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I have maintained for some time that taxation is government’s most criminal enterprise and that it is, in fact, a form of slavery. Yet it continues to baffle me that so many people cannot or will not see the obvious truth in these statements and ins

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Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Close, but no cigar! Taxation is the 'harvesting' of the labor of owned slaves. The term 'farming' originally meant 'tax collection. So, how did/do Americans become 'slaves'?
In 'fascist/corporatist' America, all commerce must be done through a 'strawman' name owned by the State. An adult man (m or f) using that name is considered to be 'attached' to State property as an 'accessory', and thus the property of the State by the property right of the State. A man who is property is a slave. Slaves own NOTHING. That which the slaveowner allows the slave to keep for his/her own use is called a 'benefit'. A 'disobedient slave' is stripped of the privileges granted to the slave by the slaveowner - that primarily being 'due process of law'. The 'courts' belong to the slaveowner,
and 'tax litigation' is done under the property right, not under constitutional or legislated statutory law. There is nothing 'contractual' or 'constitutional' about taxes. It is all about the State's property rights - with that property being 'human slaves'.

Comment by Jesus True
Entered on:

So, true. Taxation is the modern form of slavery, but citizens in America make a choice to be slaves, BECAUSE they have never read their own tax law.

So, here you go, Slaves, here's the real US income tax law, Read it, Follow it, Obey it, or forever be a happy ignorant slave:

-Exempt income, 26 CFR 1.861-8T(d)(2)(ii)

-Income that is not exempt, 26 CFR 1.861-8T(d)(2)(iii).
Source: ecfr dot gov
Source: what is taxed dot (com)

According to US tax law, most Americans don't owe any income tax. Of course, the perps in govt - including tax court judges whose paycheck depends on this govt tax scam - will say Sec. 861 is frivolous, YET THERE IT IS, definition of Exempt income, and the list of taxable income (income not exempt) is codified in Sec. 861.

Government  = Politician
Politician = Liar

You cannot serve both Truth and mammon.

HINT: mammon is god of money, creator of money, i.e. Govt. 

Government killed Jesus.

Google who would jesus tax

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Isn't this the argument that Larken Rose lost on? Wikipedia has some interesting insights on this at

Seems to me that income that is effectively connected to the United States is taxable. What a person needs to do is effectively disconnect (un-connect) his income from the United States. How does one do this? Stop stating that you are part of the United States. In fact, state the opposite.

It's the same old thing all over again. State formally by declaration - and affidavit when necessary - that you as a human being are separate from all the artificial entities that have been created on your behalf - the birth certificate entity; the drivers license entity; the Social Security entity; the military enlistment entity; every other entity. Rather, state that you are a human being that is first creditor of all these entities, and they are debtors to you, first, before all other creditors that might make claims on them. (Howard Griswold and David DeRiemer, and the people)

Income earned at a place of employment is effectively connected to the United States if there are TINs and EINs and SSNs involved, OR IF IT CAN BE UNDERSTOOD BY GOVERNMENT THAT THE NUMBERS ARE THERE BUT HAVE SIMPLY NOT BEEN STATED. When the funds are paid by to you the human being, by the artificial entities that are effectively connected to the U.S., they are effectively disconnected from the U.S. as income.

Be careful with this. The dollar is a Federal Reserve Note. Who knows if even "holding" them effectively connects them with the United States. It is the point of income/wages/earnings that we are focusing on. With regard to these, if you the human, have NOT taken on the burdens of debt belonging to the artificial entities that have a number (like, by stating that you are those entities in some way), you have released them from their debts to the United States by effectively disconnecting the income from the United States when it is paid to you, the human, by the artificial entity.

We are smart, complicate human beings. We can wiggle our way through the tax code. When are we going to see that the basics of the whole thing lies in the fact that we are not United States citizens or residents? (Of course, there are a few people who are, because they live on U.S. land in such a way that they really are citizens or residents of the United States.) We do NOT live on United States owned land. When the funds earned by the artificial entities that have the number (they are the citizens; the income they earn is effectively connected) is paid out to us the creditor, it is effectively disconnected from the United States.

Even making agreements by going to court outside of a Special Action, that states that it is only an Action for the specific purposes outlined in the Action, can be considered entering into the Untied States. Stay away from them (the courts) as much as possible.

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