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Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

I was asked if the meeting with the Phoenix Police and the TSA this coming Weds. is an open meeting. HELL NO!

If you want to voice your dissent then the following week, the day before Thanksgiving is the time, along with the rest of the country.

There will be some FreedomsPhoenix staff there to witness and we'll do our best to document the meeting to the point that it doesn't interfere with the acquirement of needed and stipulated to and accurate information about our abilities to dissent without threats of force or violence. My goal is to fully understand and document the agreed to lines for people to complain. What people do as individuals after that understanding is totally up to them. But before I go charging the ramparts I need to know exactly what me and my friends are up against. What others do with this information is TOTALLY up to them as individuals.

This scheduled meeting is NOT the time to "protest" or to make a big media event. That would be counter to what we hope to learn.

The cooperation from the Phoenix Police on this issue is due to their desiring the same understanding because they have absolutely no clue either.

Is the Phoenix Municipal Sky Harbor Airport the property and responsibility of the City of Phoenix and its taxpayers, or is the City of Phoenix the facilitators of the desires and wishes of Janet Napolitano et al?

Do all Phoenix Police have to be deputized as Federal Marshals to work there, and to whom/what do they answer?

Will the Phoenix Police protect our right to protest after the security checkpoint, before the security checkpoint, the door of the airport, the entrance to the airport from the roads, the off ramps from the nearby highways... WHAT?

The meeting this Weds. (should the TSA not back out,... I'm pretty sure that the Phoenix Police will come, this will be their 3rd time at the Workshop for such a meeting) will be to get as much information as possible so that well intentioned volunteers are not walking right onto a bus headed for Guantanamo without understanding what the risks are.

Save your energy for the national focus on the Weds. before Thanksgiving. I might go or I might not, but the first thing I always do is know what the hell I am dealing with and what role everyone is going to play. The fact that the Phoenix Police have absolutely no clue where their directions are coming from about what lines are to be enforced is of great concern to me,.. this is exactly how people wind up dead.


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

In this meeting, the itchy finger is at the trigger of a gun pointed at you. It is not smart to make a move for freedom that is reckless and thoughtless, and worse, so passionately silly! If you do … well, I hate to see funeral flowers all over any fallen hero.


Comment by John Foster
Entered on:

I agree with the statement that the longer we keep things non-violent the better, but I disagree with the statement ""There are those that just want to be left alone,... and there are those that just won't leave them alone".  Instead, I think there is a third  organized party acting acting behind the scenes as an instigator, and profiteer on other peoples misery. While liberals and conservatives seem to be bashing each other relentlessly in the press, the real story is that a New World Order of Global Corporations owns the presses that give us that impression. They instigated the fights, created the bankruptcies, and continue to fleece the people of our nation for everything they own. Unfortunately, the next step is to thin the herd, and remove the threat that those who lost everything might come back one day to reclaim it later. To avoid that step we to keep it non-violent. Liberals and conservatives need to bind together in a pact of non-violence so as to end economic colonialism and "Take Back America" from the New World Order of Global Corporations.

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