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2017-04-25 09:06
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Entered by: PureTrust
Listen to Karl Lentz on his Talkshoe. Listen to the first, say, 15 minutes at Also, listen to Craig Lynch's snippet (12 minutes) of Karl at Be patient. These are talk show talks. You will have to do a bit of "transverting" to figure out how this applies to Morpheus's case.
2017-04-22 11:10
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Entered by: hskiprob
Wow, hope he OK, Is Cronous OK ?
2017-04-17 13:30
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Entered by: chris gill
nothing to see here just smart investments, a few speeches, a book deal. nothing that the common peon could not do themselves....... after all she is a progressive liberal democrat who is above board and would never sully her hands in corruption.
2017-04-16 15:14
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Entered by: PureTrust
No Federal Agencies are taking land. No Federal agents are harming people. Rather, it is people abusing their position in Government. This means that it is simple people doing bad things. If you want to fight them, you have to fight them in court, in the same way that you would fight anyone else who harmed you - man to man. In addition, since they are Government agents part of their lives, you must attack their bond. Attack them and their bond in court. Attack them as people rather than as Feds. And attack, in the same way, any judge that will not let you have a jury trial with jurors that have the complete authority to judge. You can't attack them as Federal agents and win, unless you attack them as men and women under common law at the same time.
2017-04-16 03:33
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Entered by: Anonymous
Jong-un wants to fry the Jew-nited states. He's gotta be one of the good guys.
2017-04-15 15:39
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
So then, Republican congressman travels to the darkest heart of liberalism in Arizona, and gets clobbered. And dog bites man. If he didn't know enough to put on his vest and his cup before walking in, he's too stupid to re-elect.
2017-04-11 18:22
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Entered by: PureTrust
In the 1950s, the hormone, pregnenolone was thoroughly researched. It is excreted by the pituitary gland. It converts on demand into at least 99 other hormones including testosterone (not directly). Some health practitioners say that taking as much as 900 mg per day is beneficial and safe. Research it. After all, the pituitary gland weakens with age, just like the rest of the body.
2017-04-10 06:31
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Entered by: PureTrust
There is one reason why Americans get suckered. It is because they don’t know that they can take Government officials to court as people rather than Government officials - man to man. If a Government official is causing you fearful trepidation by what he is doing, if he is causing you stress, he is harming you. Sue him and his bond for harming you. At least get him to show you how the things he is doing are in your best interest so that your fear is assuaged. If the judge won’t let you, sue the judge - man to man - for going against the foundations of law found in the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments.
2017-04-07 21:02
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Entered by: Ton Tapp
Russia warned in advance says it all
2017-04-07 18:51
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Entered by: PureTrust
But also consider what will happen if Trump backs us out of war. The banking operation worldwide is based on a super-gigantic Ponzi. The war is only one of the methods for maintaining the Ponzi. The banking system will come down, of course. All Ponzi's crash sooner or later. Right now Russia and China are attempting to salvage some of their economic strength by forming a money system outside of the present worldwide banking Ponzi. If the Ponzi is not maintained (the thing Trump is trying to do), the turmoil in America will be awful, because the Ponzi is strongest in America. The only redeeming point for the Ponzi destruction now is, the longer we wait, the worse it will get.
2017-04-07 17:01
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil
I cancelled DirecTV Sunday 4/2. They were playing the "rate creep" game with me, too. 97.90 forever. I quit watching the bill. Then I noticed it was up to $160 about 3 months ago. I called to enquire. Thought I got it straightened out back to 97.90. Then they clawed back to $145. I called to cancel. Same song and dance you got. Dish pulled the same thing on a friend a few years ago.
2017-04-06 13:11
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Entered by: chris gill
Her Indian name is one who dances with liesalot. If she swears she is telling the truth you know she is lying. How can anyone with half a brain think her word is trust worthy in any way after the "Benghazi caused by a video Bull$hite.
2017-04-01 06:34
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Entered by: PureTrust
The problem is that it won't take much of the world pulling out of the current world banking cartel to bring world banking down. The crash will be fast. The problem with this is that it won't give Bitcoin much time to grow, and even Bitcoin will probably crash. What we should watch for is a drastic rise in bitcoin prices right before the big crash. Buy bitcoins, and trade them for land, right before the crash.
2017-03-31 08:35
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Entered by: PureTrust
The whole economic problem revolves around one thing. The income tax. Get rid of the income tax. If you do, Government will have to tax import/export properly to get enough money to sustain itself. The result will be that jobs will come back to America, Exports will excel, and the people will have more money to buy the things they want, making internal economics to excel higher than ever. In addition, government will not be able to support militarization without the people agreeing to it directly. This is what the Constitution had in mind.
2017-03-31 01:46
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
"I'm beginning to think Donald Trump doesn't have a principled bone in his body." Beginning??? Trump is a populist. Populism isn't an ideology, which would enable it to have principles. It's a negotiating strategy, the goal of which is to win at the end of the day.
2017-03-30 23:19
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Entered by: Ton Tapp
2017-03-30 18:35
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Ha ha! Trump: "We have to FIGHT the FREEDOM Caucus!" Did he stop to think about the "optics" of that statement?
2017-03-30 14:09
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Entered by: PureTrust
If it weren't for the fact that there are men behind the feminist movement, who for their own purposes (marketing) are supporting the feminists, the feminine movement would die almost overnight.
2017-03-26 20:16
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Entered by: PureTrust
The thing to do is peacefully file a claim against the man who is acting as a police officer, in court, and against his bond. File the claim in a court of record, where the accuser (you), the accused (the man who acted as a cop), and the jury are the only people working with the case. The so-called judge is not a judge, but is only an observer who serves as referee for purposes of order, and is witness who signs the order as witness once the trial is over. Once you have the signed order, you can take it to the local sheriff to collect from the man who acted as a cop. For a ton more info, watch this
2017-03-26 19:58
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Entered by: Dennis Treybil admits 2.3 trillion missing on 9/10/2001 - the day before 9/11. Donald Rumsfield says so.
2017-03-25 14:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
The problem for people comes in the form of the jobs that are taken over. If the jobs were in every necessary field across the board, and if the robot companies were working together to supply needs only to other robot companies up to the retail market, the prices of necessities would come down. After a while the robot retailers would "outbid" the other companies, something like Walmart outbid other companies in the retail market. Gradually more and more robots would take over all the markets until we wouldn't have to pay anything for our goods and services. The robots would manufacture everything for us for free. We could live a life of leisure.
2017-03-18 07:48
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Entered by: PureTrust
"Yet there are small details, like the mysterious alloy called "Orichalcum" which one translator, Sir Desmond Lee considered to be "a completely imaginary metal" but actually exists in the Andes as an alloy of gold and copper."
2017-03-18 05:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
This isn't necessary. Why not? We already have the right to freely contract. An amendment stating such is simply another way to allow Government to regulate and intrude in your lives.
2017-03-18 05:16
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Entered by: PureTrust
The whole point? Keep the people in fear for their lives that someone is going to get up and hurt them. A soldier who has forgotten that he has weapons is like a sheep, ready for the slaughter. Wake up and be the "soldier" you were designed to be by the Constitution and the Amendments. Pick up and use Amendments 6, 7, 9, and 10 to put down the greedy people in Government, who are trying to rob, plunder, and harm you. If you don't, YOU are the one who is against Government, by not using your rights.
2017-03-18 05:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
Talking about the failure to stifle the church is like talking about trying to stifling God. In America, at the formation of the United States of America, some of the founders were trying to uphold God, while other founders were trying to stifle Him. The reason that they both could work together was because of the threat of the British monarchy. Today, we see both parts in the Constitution and Amendments. But those who want to stifle God advertise louder. For the people and for God: 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments. Properly used they can limit Government at its core, by limiting wicked, greedy people in Government. Use it or Lose it.
2017-03-18 04:47
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Entered by: PureTrust
The Internet?!! The whole telephone system was developed a hundred years ago for this. Sure, Alexander Bell and others who developed the phone may have only been looking for profit. Some of them might have even been looking for ways to help humanity. But the development finances came from people looking to get information by spying on the public. In 1990 Phil Zimmerman developed PGP (encryption) for emails and computer files. Has it been added to phones, yet? Why not? It could have been long ago. Because the whole phone system is there to get private info from unsuspecting "sheep," mostly for marketing purposes. How much more the Internet?
2017-03-17 14:05
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Entered by: Jimmy James
From the second paragraph."Throughout its post ww2 history it never attacked another country." I must assume that "it" means North Korea. Please show your proof that N.Korea did not invade the south in 1950. Or at least show that it was provoked by the USA or the south to invade. We need documentation or some kind of proof before you change the historical narrative concerning the Korean war. This is as serious credibility issue for you. If you are going to say history is wrong ( and it has before) you need to have mighty strong proof, sir.
2017-03-17 08:05
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Entered by: PureTrust
Part of the reason the matrix is around today is all the media that hides the facts of what is really going on, and all the alternative media that doesn't offer any real solutions.
2017-03-17 08:03
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Entered by: PureTrust
When the FED gets into rate-raising mode, it stimulates the economy. Savvy home investors realize that if they borrow, they can't lose. Why can't they? Because when rates go up, inflation goes up, and the price of everything goes up. But, so do wages. So, if you are making $10 per hour, in a few years inflation and interest rates will make living cost so much more that after a while you will be making $20 per hour. It's easier to pay off that loan on $20 per hour than $10.
2017-03-16 18:26
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Entered by: PureTrust
If you don't have the promise of living for a minimum of 1000 years, this whole idea is stupid.