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2017-05-20 09:56
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Entered by: Ernest Hancock
PICTURES of Robots could replace most government workers
2017-05-19 20:27
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Entered by: PureTrust
Telling Government to GTH is like telling yourself to GTH. Government is something that, if properly used through a jury, can literally make Government officials who mess with your property, pay you. Don't abuse Government. Use it. It is Government officials who are spreading the emotion around by working up a bunch of ignorant people. The foundational documents give you the ability to put down Government officials.
2017-05-19 15:56
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Entered by: PureTrust
Assange needs to study Karl Lentz. Then, if he is arrested, he can step over to Queen's Bench in the British court system. This is a man-to-man, common law side of the courts. It requires the police to show what harm or damage Assange did to them personally as men or women. || In America common law is an easy thing if you know and live it in the first place. || In Britain, common law is built into the court system with more rules. This means that Assange might have to know more court stuff to activate it, but it is also more cut and dried. He won't have a problem if he wants to go this rout. He can make money off the British legal system if he knows what he is doing with this.
2017-05-19 03:06
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Entered by: Sharon Duron
Oh yeah right the 4th amendment! I almost forgot about that! How about SHERMAN COUNTY as Murder Incorporated for AZURE ORGANIC FARMS SINCE 1987 taking them to Court MAY 22 to try to FORCE ROUNDUP!!! being sprayed on their 2000 acres to eradicate weeds. Seriously folks THIS IS A TRAVESTY. Azure Farms also ships All Across America. A Family Will Lose Everything and The Soil is no longer viable as organic.
2017-05-18 14:01
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Entered by: PureTrust
This level of drama is the only thing keeping the people from taking over Government, again. The drama takes the focus of the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments. If people used the jury in man-to-man common law courts, they could remove any and every obstacle that government throws in their path, and all the harm Government does, including the IRS tax.
2017-05-13 16:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
Wikipedia says that there are 57,510,000 square miles of land on earth - Wikipedia, also, says that there are 640 acres to the square mile - This means that there are 36,806,400,000 acres of land on the earth (do the math). Since there are only about 7.5 billion people on earth, that means that each person could have about 4.9 acres. Do you think Governmental regs have anything to do with why a person would build such a tiny house?
2017-05-10 11:32
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Entered by: mydogREX
Wilmer J. Leon III, Ph.D. seems to me to want to sit on his butt and seize money from strangers because a bunch of dead guys had slaves; Wilmer REFUSES to acknowledge that there were just as many white slaves as black slaves; AND refuses to acknowledge that a BLACK slave owner was the first to win CAPTURE, through the courts, of one of his slaves that wanted to be free at the end of his slavery term / agreement; AND that every US citizen IS property (slave) of the US; AND that the USA ended in 1861; AND much much more. EARNEST PLEASE contact Michael Gaddy - and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have him as a guest for purposes of settling the LIES about slavery. Wilmer doesn't know (if he does know then he is a liar) and he doesn't know that he doesn't know. Wilmer wants "reparations" from WHO? The same COMPANY (GOVERNMENT) that creates slavery?
2017-05-10 11:30
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Entered by: mydogREX
Wilmer J. Leon III, Ph.D. seems to me to want to sit on his butt and seize money from strangers because a bunch of dead guys had slaves; Wilmer REFUSES to acknowledge that there were just as many white slaves as black slaves; AND refuses to acknowledge that a BLACK slave owner was the first to win CAPTURE, through the courts, of one of his slaves that wanted to be free at the end of his slavery term / agreement; AND that every US citizen IS property (slave) of the US; AND that the USA ended in 1861; AND much much more. EARNEST PLEASE contact Michael Gaddy - and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have him as a guest for purposes of settling the LIES about slavery link text. Wilmer doesn't know (if he does know then he is a liar) and he doesn't know that he doesn't know. Wilmer wants "reparations" from WHO? The same COMPANY (GOVERNMENT) that creates slavery?
2017-05-09 13:37
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Entered by: PureTrust
What is really being said here? Science theory is theory because it does not have enough evidence to prove that it is fact. Consider Big Bang Theory. It is not known to be fact, and it probably will never be known to be fact. Yet look at how many people around the world talk like they believe it is fact, based on some probability calculations, that are not known to be correct. Looks like science is becoming a religion. In light of this, do you really want to become a religious person with science as your religion?
2017-05-09 07:36
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Entered by: Anonymous
??????????????????????. ("Not even god can argue with stupidity") Have you ever noticed that the stupider a human being is, the more satisfied he is with what he knows...? My god - what a stupid idea democracy was!
2017-05-09 06:12
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Entered by: PureTrust
The best benefit for Morpheus is common law understanding. Listen to Craig Lynch's latest Karl Lentz snippet -
2017-05-09 05:57
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Entered by: PureTrust
Fourth Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Notice the word "persons." Government never attacks the man. It always attacks a fictitious or personally owned "person." Soros can beat this if he takes it on man to man.
2017-05-09 05:43
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Entered by: PureTrust
Secession isn't necessary, and isn't even the right way to go. Rather, find out about property rights. Your greatest piece of property is yourself. Use the Preamble, the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments, and the Rules of Court to secure your property to yourself, and destroy the complaints/claims of people who trespass on your property. By the rules of Court, all state and Federal courts are common law courts - man to man courts - if accused people treat them this way.
2017-05-08 17:29
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Entered by: Cronus de Gaia
I am collecting donations for Morpheus's defense fund. His arrest is part of a general attack on the legitimacy of BitCoin. A day is coming when it will be illegal to trade in anonymous bitcoins. This is just a "test run". Via PayPal: BitCoin: 1BiA9TJMqMvFD2dn1NENYGYWu3HJMPmdfy Please spread the word to everyone you know. Cronus 561-542-5800
2017-05-08 15:00
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Entered by: PureTrust
Personally, I hope Hillary gets her deserved punishment. That being said, Federal Court Rules State that, if Hillary (anybody) requires it properly, She can move the court to the common law side. If she does this, there is no court case until some man or woman makes a claim against her. The claim must include personal injury to the man or woman. There must be evidence and at least one witness. The claim must be upheld in a Court of Record. In addition, If Hillary rescinds her signature off all the documents she signed with Government, in a common law way, she might have even greater strength. No injury, no wrong done. It's the Rules of Court law.
2017-05-07 22:13
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Entered by: Anonymous
Thank you, Ernest for posting the audio book I worked so hard to make, I hope some people can find value in the audiobook if they haven't had the time to read the paperback. The audio is not perfect and I'm not a professional I hope you can look past the small imperfections I left in the book. Some of the ideas in this book most people have never been exposed to, and will most likely find uncomfortable to hear. If you are able to approach it with an open mind before becoming hostile and dismissing you will start to look at things in a new way and discover a completely new understanding of freedom. Don't forget to donate some BitCoin to Larken Rose if you have enjoyed this audio book if you didn't enjoy or learn anything I will refund your full purchase price unless you paid for it. Thank you, Larken for writing these ideas in such a clear and easy way to understand them.
2017-05-07 06:57
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Entered by: PureTrust
From "There’s no record of the existence of this work, known generally as the Kolbrin, before the 1990s, when the 'Culdian Celestial Age Trust' produced an annotated version for purposes of private study. The CCAT were a group dedicated to carrying on the work of the Culdee Church as the original church of Britain." Yet, there is some evidence that Kolbrin is a real record of sorts.
2017-05-06 07:26
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Entered by: chris gill
Don't know why it is such a problem. Send those who are connected to terrorist type mosques to muslim controlled countries the yare from, Those who are born in France revoke their citizenships if proven ties with such groups and send them packing to muslim controlled counties were they can enjoy the religion of their choice.....
2017-05-05 10:54
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Entered by: Dave Scotese
The book I mentioned is not "I, Robot" but rather "The Runaway Robot" and I found a copy and purchased it.
2017-05-05 04:36
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Entered by: Ed Martin
Typical of what happens when you treat the symptoms of a disease instead of the cause. Work on removing the disease that causes some people to be hungry and homeless.
2017-05-03 20:35
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Entered by: PureTrust
When are we going to get it through our heads that there is nothing legal about the IRS. Their sole method for doing what they do is intimidation or worse. Properly resisted in court by knowledgeable people, they would die overnight.
2017-05-03 19:09
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Entered by: PureTrust
From the article: "In the time since, Wilczek’s brainchildren have been championed, vilified, proved to be impossible, and now, apparently, made in the lab. If so, it’s the birth of an entirely new phase of matter, one that is fundamentally bizarre, perhaps confounding – and possibly even useful." Not from the article: "Probably exists in microscopic quantities in the brains of all people."
2017-05-03 18:49
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Entered by: PureTrust
Get rid of democracy. Apply pure representation in the form of: The only time a person has to do what Government says is if there is a literal threat to other people that can easily be seen by everyone, or if the person has injured someone else directly or by damaging his property.
2017-05-03 18:44
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Entered by: PureTrust
What happens to a person as he gets old? Generally his abilities to do things and work fail. A person who is 80 years old generally isn't able to work as hard as a 50-y-o. For the 80-y-o, he has to depend on younger people to work for him, or he dies. All that robots mean is that the population will be retiring much earlier than normal - similar to getting older much sooner - if they can't invent new jobs that robots haven't been applied to yet.
2017-05-02 13:55
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Entered by: Anonymous
WTG Jewboy. Get those goyim bowing down to the NJO.
2017-05-02 13:38
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Entered by: Anonymous
This dope needs to be declared mentally incompetent and a public menace.
2017-04-28 09:58
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Entered by: PureTrust
Any Bitcoin press is good. Bitcoin works as a means and method of trade. The only thing we don't have is enough users. Advertising is good because it will only increase users.
2017-04-26 19:41
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Entered by: PureTrust
There is one major difference between the USA and Venezuela The difference is NOT the 2nd Amendment. The difference is the jury trial. The jury trial can overturn every law if done right. If a man or woman attacks Government people about some law enforcement of theirs, the jury can decide against Government every time in court. The two things that Government is trying to do are, control the courts with the Government BAR Association, and do a lot of advertising to make people forget the jury. Stand up and fight where it counts... jury court.
2017-04-26 19:40
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Entered by: PureTrust
Government is scared out of its mind by the 6th and 7th Amendments - the jury trial - and to a lesser extent by the 9th and 10th Amendments - direct rights of the people and States over the Federal Government. Every law that has been made can be nullified by the courts in jury trial. The jury trial can strengthen the 9th and 10th Amendments so that the people can put down all the strength of Government against the people and States, while strengthening Government to keep the nations of the world from harming us. Both Ron Paul and Trump are trying to distract the people from finding this out.
2017-04-25 14:27
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Entered by: Anonymous
The 16th Amendment has been shown to be bogus giving Congress zero taxing power regarding sources derived.