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2017-12-08 09:54
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Entered by: PureTrust
There is no comparison between Germany and the U.S. in the way that Obama is talking. Why not? Because there is little to no common law in the government of Germany.

What is common law? In its simplest form CL is the law that the people use between and among themselves in everyday life. It isn't governmental statue or code law. Wikipedia says it well - - when they say: "Common law (also known as judicial precedent or judge-made law, or case law) is that body of law derived from judicial decisions of courts and similar tribunals." Why is it said well in this quote? Because the "similar tribunals" can include non-governmental "courts" as well as those set up and administered by Government.

The danger in America is that we the people forget that we can overturn statute and code law through jury nullification. Jury nullification can overturn and overrule any statute or code law in America. This is something that Germany doesn’t have. They have no jury nullification. The German jury has to make their JUDGMENTS according to statute law.

Here is the part where Obama may have been a little correct. If the American jury doesn’t pick up and use their ability to change or remove statute law, what’s the difference? There might be none. But before you can use something, you have to know that it exists, and how to force it into play.

2017-12-08 09:21
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Entered by: PureTrust
Obama and most politicians are full of deception. Obama talked about 60 million that died in WW2. OK. Think about this. If WW1 and WW2 had never happened, the over 18 million deaths from WW1 that Wikipedia suggests - - would never have happened. This means that populations would have grown that much more. And if Obama's 60 million hadn't died, there would have been way more to grow and populate. Here is where Obama's picture is messed up. All these people would have died of old age anyway. Forget Obama. His ideals are pointing people in the direction of stupidity thinking. He is not showing the whole picture. If there were no WW1 and WW2 casualties, there would have been way more people who would have worked on anti-aging, and we might all be living to age 200 by now. Obama's talk is deceptive talk.
2017-12-07 09:28
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Entered by: PureTrust
Thank you. This is one of the best lists of good things that Trump has done. It will take time to move the nation to freedom, like Trump is doing. And especially, it is very difficult to do it without hurting people who have opted in to the foolishness of the socialism of the previous regime. Trump is doing excellently in dealing with the stupidity of most Americans without hurting them.
2017-12-01 13:25
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Entered by: james chappell
God forbid we have freedom of health care in America. Fewer people are willing to sit in the back of the bus or get in the cattle car to the showers. We the People have had enough of the impostors of our government. We are standing up to tyranny. The pitchforks are here.
2017-12-01 08:32
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Entered by: PureTrust
If any of the billionaire, Bilderberg people seriously feared Bitcoin, the thing they would do is buy up all the bitcoins. They would get together, and do it in organized fashion, so none of them would bear too much of the burden. Sure, the price would go up, but as the price went up, these people wouldn't lose any value. So what if a few Bitcoin miners or other people become rich off this move? If the Bilderbergers never sold, most of the bitcoins would eventually go to them. Bitcoin would never become a serious currency. The point is, either Bitcoin is something the wealthy need not fear, or the smart money people, the Bilderbergers, are "dumber" than we thought.
2017-12-01 07:54
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Entered by: PureTrust

Yes. We really consent to be governed. How do we consent? Here's how.

A friend reminded me that California doesn't recognize the common law. Common law is law between and among the people, not legal law of the Government, not legal law that tells us all the things we legally can do and can’t do in our lives. My friend is right on, and so is California, along with other States that don't recognize common law.

What does common law have to do with it? Common law is above legal law. Consider the 6th and 7th Amendments where we can take any man/woman to court, in jury trial, for any infraction they have done against us, or for ANYTHING WE MIGHT CALL AN INFRACTION EVEN THOUGH IT WOULDN’T BE CONSIDERED SO NORMALLY.

A jury trial is a trial between the people. It is a trial that is outside of legal law if we want it to be. It is a common law trial. The law encyclopedia, Corpus Juris Secundum, says in volume 25, section 344, that Federal District courts are courts of record. A court of record power among the people. It proceeds under common law, not statute or code law, not LEGAL law. The tribunal is independent of the magistrate.

What in the world is the tribunal? The tribunal is the group of PEOPLE that takes part in the trial. It is the accuser, the one being accused, and the jury who are the judges. It is NOT the magistrate, the legal judge who we normally think of as being the judge. It isn’t any legal entity like a cop, a State or Federal official. It doesn’t have anything to do with an AGREEMENT of representation between any people.

The magistrate, who we normally think of as the judge, isn’t any more than a referee in the trial, to make sure proceedings are carried out in an orderly process. Because of this, the State doesn’t have anything to do with a common law trial, doesn’t recognize it, so to speak. Yet it stands stronger than any legal law.

2017-12-01 07:45
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Entered by: PureTrust
Here’s the important part in how we consent to being governed? We remain ignorant about the basic, simple, structure of law. This structure is that we can overcome all statute law if it is the will of the people, directly, in jury form – common law - by accusing and taking to court the human being, man/woman along with the statute itself, who is/are harming us by enforcing the statute law on us in our lives. Google and Youtube search “Karl Lentz common law.”
2017-11-28 18:34
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Entered by: PureTrust
The blockchain on PirateBox - Completely, absolutely, entirely decentralized.
2017-11-28 18:28
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Entered by: PureTrust
The blockchain on PirateBox.
2017-11-28 15:58
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Entered by: chris gill
And what happened to the solder that tried to stop it???? Oh ya he was kicked out under Obama's rule of terror. And you now wonder why they allow this disgusting practice to continue????? Maybe the investigation should center on our political leaders who seem to go along bringing more and more of Muslims who may indeed practice this.
2017-11-28 13:32
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
"A US senator has not only abused a growing list of women, but was degenerate and arrogant enough to pose for a photo while proudly groping a woman's breasts" To clarify and to be entirely fair, he was degenerate and arrogant enough to pose for a photo while proudly groping a woman's breasts back when he was an unfunny comedian, quite some time before he became an unpatriotic US senator.
2017-11-24 16:08
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
My opinion:
2017-11-24 15:09
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
Yup, uh-huh. And don't forget to be prepared for all your computer repair and upgrade work to cost more and take longer, as the repairman is forced to continually halt in the middle of his work to call you up and ask you for the number that just appeared on your iPhone, without which he can't proceed until you get back to him with it. And this doesn't happen once, it happens an indeterminate number of times. I'm not saying that 2FA is a bad thing, just letting you know it ain't cost-free to you.
2017-11-24 10:41
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Entered by: chris gill
Start an investigation on the Clintons or their foundation? You may as well ask the government to close shop and shut down. There is no way to get to them with out doing the above. And even if there were a brave unbiased prosecutor who would do an unbiased investigation his unfortunate demise would just add to the known body count and it would stop there. Taking her down is wishful thinking. the swamp is there to stay.
2017-11-23 11:40
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
"The intelligence of the brightest people around is no match for the rampant stupidity of capitalism." Translation: "Why won't the natural chaos of the universe stop disobeying us -- your beloved, elite, enlightened, self-appointed rulers -- and do what we tell it?" What a frackin' dimwit. One of my biggest comforts is knowing that every time one of these idiots who lives his life with green blinders on makes an apocalyptic prediction, you can make serious profits betting against it.
2017-11-21 20:24
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Entered by: wings io
I read some articles on this site and I think your blog is really interesting and has great information. Thank you for your sharing. usps tracking
2017-11-21 08:08
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Entered by: Christine
President Trump's actions are a strong deterrent. What is "disgraceful" are the previous weak administrations which allowed this dangerous situation to develop. NORTH KOREA: THE CRAZINESS OF LIBERTARIAN OPINION (essay): PRESIDENT TRUMP: NORTH KOREA (video) by Christine Smith
2017-11-18 19:12
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Entered by: PureTrust
The FDA and the Federal Government are systematically killing Americans. If Adam doesn't know this, he should watch Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, here - Watch it all; less than 5 minutes; talks about more than diabetes. Perhaps Adam can add this to his campaign in some way. - If the States controlled, and tried to promote stuff like the FDA does, their people would be able to fight it a lot easier.
2017-11-15 23:43
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Entered by: GrandPoobah
Hmmm... Perhaps Mike Adams of Natural News can cure him. Just a lot of juice, fasting, coffee enemas, etc. etc. and not falling for the false "medicine" of the cancer conspiracy. You folks do believe that allopathic cancer treatments are just a fraud right? I mean why else would you publish Natural NEws
2017-11-14 09:12
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Entered by: PureTrust
The people of ancient Israel had libertarian freedom. Up until the time of Babylon, the only laws they had were a benefit to them as a society. In all the good ways, they had complete freedom. Modern Israel is becoming more and more like Japan and China: worship of government, and almost worship of ancestors as they honor their family line. Like the Chinese and the Japanese, this kind of worship will ultimately fail, even though there is a spear-head of strength for a while. The only real blessing that they have is the name Israel. For the sake of His own NAME, God is upholding Israel because they call themselves by a name He had promised to maintain for all time. Their strength has nothing to do with what they really are. After all, God destroyed them at the times of Babylon and the 70 AD fall. They will either turn to Him for real, or they will be destroyed by Him for good this time.
2017-11-14 08:50
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Entered by: PureTrust
What are/were we doing over there anyway? Are we such a great and noble people that we can understand which are the correct causes to take up on behalf of other people and fight their enemies for them? When we became a nation, we did it for freedom. And a great part of that freedom was freedom of religion - 1st Amendment. The peoples of Viet Nam and Iraq do not have the same religion. IF they did, God would take up their cause for them as He did ours for us. How did He do it for us? We won and became great. The wars we fight over there are for purposes other than the right kind of freedom. They are for the profit of our businesses who sell "parts" in the wars. Sure, God is working through what we do to bring the right religion to them. But like God won our freedom for us, He is winning their freedom for them only when they turn to Him. If WE win for them, it is only an incidental thing.
2017-11-14 08:13
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
An aggressively liberal hotel in DC is about as revolutionary as a new Cajun restaurant in Lafayette.
2017-11-13 12:12
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Entered by: Stephanie Hill
Hi there! I came across the Freedom Summit from a couple years back. Let me know if you need information to add to the website for the Freedom Summit of 2018!!
2017-11-10 09:05
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Entered by: PureTrust
The problem isn't people being hurt by ICOs. The problem is governments and banks using slick talk to lull people into a false sense of security in the first place. If governments had been honest, they would have told people to be careful of governments and banks. As it is, part of the reasons for the warnings is two-fold: 1) keep people asleep regarding governments and banks; 2) talk people out of ICOs so that governments and banks can maintain their control without competition. If there were freedom for real, there wouldn't be any governments and banks.
2017-11-08 14:06
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Entered by: PureTrust
All this is the great reason why Trump has changed his tactics and operations from the things that he said in his campaign. What do I mean? There is ONE BASIC THING that keeps the banking industry from collapsing right now. What is it? The ability of people and governments to continue making payments. Where do people and governments get the money to make the payments? Because of the way the system works, they borrow their payment money from the banks. When the payments stop being made, the banking system will collapse. Trump knows this, now. He is doing everything that he can do to keep borrowing more money for payments on the outstanding loans of the world, so that the whole banking and economic operation doesn't collapse. Since he doesn't know as much as he would like, he follows the plan that the one-worlders have, because they know how the banking Ponzi works, better than anyone.
2017-11-06 19:25
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Entered by: PureTrust
The second half of Ezekiel 28 shows us who the devil, Satan, really was. It also shows us his job. Because of his conceit, he took advantage of people right from the Beginning, starting with Adam and Eve. Keep up the good fight against the devil. But realize that his work will never end until the return of Jesus.
2017-11-03 08:23
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Entered by: PureTrust
It will be interesting to see the new methods that will be implemented to steal more property and value from the people. Do like Ron Paul suggests. Shut the FED down.
2017-11-03 08:06
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Entered by: PureTrust
When you search for it, you will find that there are many people who think that the Great Pyramid was NOT a burial place for some pharaoh. They think that the crypt in the King's Chamber was a rejuvenation chamber to regain youth through harmonics. What is harmonics? Harmonics for the Egyptians was a method for vibrating the cells of the body at the same "sound" frequencies they vibrated at when the body was young, thereby making the person young again. The subterranean chamber in the pyramid seems to have methods built into it for regulating the vibrations in the pyramid. Sounds can be heard down there. One example of this can be found at A chamber above the Grand Gallery might have helped to regulate how the sound was focused on the King's Chamber.
2017-11-03 07:48
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Entered by: PureTrust
As of this writing, the price of Bitcoin is more than $7,000 per bitcoin. Several hours ago, the price touched close to or above $7,500 on the Bitstamp exchange. Because of these reasonably high prices, and the volatility, few common people have the easy money to purchase even one bitcoin. Because of this, names of Bitcoin fractions need to be developed and advertised, so that folks can buy Bitcoin fractions with understanding. A penny is a hundredth of a dollar. What is a hundredth part of a bitcoin called, or a thousandth? The smallest unit of a bitcoin is called a satoshi - one hundred millionth of a single bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC): - and is worth a tiny fraction of a penny. We need common names for the various in-between 10% incremental parts of a bitcoin, to make it easier for people to know what they are purchasing when they are obtaining only part of a bitcoin.
2017-10-31 18:26
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Entered by: Joeyman9
Who's gonna believe a guy under the pressure of a prosecuter to make a plea deal; though I wish Sessions would go home since he, wants Civil Asset Forfeiture and to enforce Fed Mary Jane Laws on states plus where's the action on dems in the Uranium One Deal???? He's not doing the job of AG.