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2018-01-17 10:09
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Entered by: PureTrust
The Amish community sticks together. They should refresh themselves on court of record jury trial, and take the man or woman whose signature is on any paperwork that injures them to court for relief. Since their peers are only other Amish, the jury would have to be made up of Amish people. How will they decide? - They need to understand that in a court of record trial, it is man-to-man. No attorneys or representation allowed unless both sides formally agree to it. An attorney may be counsel, but must never represent, per his contract. Also, they would make a claim, which is stronger than the complaint against them. They need to sue for damages.
2018-01-17 10:06
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Entered by: PureTrust
Taxes = stealing and fraud. Let the IRS take you to court. When they do, the indictment will read "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. you." Go to the court filing office where the indictment is filed, and enter a claim into the complaint against you. In that claim, state that you want a court of record jury trial, and that you claim that your accuser will not come forward, take the oath/affirmation, get on the stand, and speak into the record the claim he/she has against you while showing the literal harm or damage you have done, according to the law that the plaintiff must appear and real injury must be shown. The plaintiff being THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - it's on the indictment - can't take the oath, get on the stand, and claim anything, because THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is only paperwork. Since the plaintiff does not appear, get a discharge of the case so that they can't come after you ever again.
2018-01-16 12:49
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Entered by: Anonymous
America’s beverage companies agree that it's important for Americans to be mindful of their sugar intake. Beverage makers are doing our part to help Americans reduce the sugar they get from beverages through our collective efforts to reduce portion sizes and introduce smaller, more convenient packages, along with more options with less sugar. In fact, of all beverages purchased today, almost half have zero calories. (We should always note both the smaller package sizes and more options with less sugar). America’s beverage companies are committed to putting forward meaningful solutions to obesity, but it is important to recognize that beverages are not driving obesity rates in America. The latest data from the CDC shows that obesity rates have been going up steadily even though soda consumption has been going down. Moreover, research establishes that low-calorie beverages are an effective tool for weight loss and management:
2018-01-15 16:13
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Entered by: Anonymous
She is a refreshing alternative to HUMAN!
2018-01-15 07:51
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Entered by: Carol
Distract left and right with nonsense from what Jeff Sessions did with marijuana laws last week! Even if you don’t imbibe, you are effected by this. Keep the marijuana illegal and restrict the doctor’s ability to prescribe opiates. Force everyone who does imbibe to do so illegally and into prison. Other areas ripe for recruitment of prison slave labor are the family courts (child support ect) and teen truancy (George Bush no child left behind laws, imprisonment for truant teens and parents: George invested financially in private prisons. Keeps the prisons full of cheap labor, with good ROI the Vanguard Group. Taxpayer pays for the upkeep of the inmate and the cheap labor to companies like Whole Foods and AT&T. Your jobs and your freedom is being hijacked out from under you by Jeff Sessions last week. while you were distracted by a cuss word.
2018-01-15 02:39
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Entered by: PureTrust
If there is true failure, it is only temporary. Islam will not succeed. Isaiah 19:23-25: "In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria [Iraq and Syria]. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. 24In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. 25The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, 'Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.' " See
2018-01-12 16:10
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Entered by: PureTrust
This is good. You can't deduct bitcoin donations from your taxes. But you can deduct at least part of your cash donations. Kansas is helping you.
2018-01-12 15:45
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Entered by: PureTrust
There are 3 difference with Trump. And he has been showing us right from the elections that he was going to be doing the kinds of changes that he is doing. 1 = He has formal policies that are... 2 = different from his informal policies, all of which... 3 = he changes on a moment's notice whenver necessary to reach his goals. What are his goals? His goals are to make America stronger than it ever was. The goal of his opponents is to bring America down, and to make a one-world government.
2018-01-11 06:28
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Entered by: PureTrust
In the USA, the answer to ALL law is property rights. If some government official invokes some statute in such a way that it harms your property (your body), he must show how you or your property harmed someone else. That’s it. Period. If he doesn’t show that you or your property harmed another man or woman, he is harming you without cause. Sue him for damages. This goes for all people, illegal aliens as well as citizens and residents. Property rights are above all law. The only thing that might outweigh this is REAL THREAT of harm, which has to be proven.
2018-01-10 07:26
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Entered by: PureTrust
Laws make the criminals worse, but take freedom away from good people. How? Criminals find ways around any laws. The criminals that can't do this are the dumb ones. This leaves the craftier criminals with more power. They get into government and promote less freedom for good people, because that is what it takes to overcome laws. Time to use the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments, and a court of record (common law court), to sue every government official, and his bond, when he harms you with some law that he made, or some law that he won't repeal.
2018-01-02 14:20
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Entered by: PureTrust
With regard to the below... This doesn't mean that we need to do things all by ourselves, without attorney or paralegal help. Just don't become a client of an attorney. Make him your co-counsel, instead... and paralegals the same.
2018-01-02 14:08
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Entered by: PureTrust
But liberty won't really prevail until every instance of harm against people, done by Government, is sued by the one harmed, against the Government man or woman who did the harming, and against his/her bond. It will have to be done according to the common law points found in the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Amendments. Once Government people start to shell out huge amounts of cash for the harm that they are doing, and once no bonding agent will rebond them because of the threat of losing the bond money because of past losses, we will get rid of all the harmful Government crooks. Only then will liberty reign.
2018-01-02 11:28
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Entered by: PureTrust
Of course, Ronald Raygun's "Star Wars" might shoot it down.
2018-01-01 08:34
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Entered by: PureTrust
GREAT! for Bundy. So sad for America. Government gets off scott-free after all the criminal activity. Time for Bundy and others to sue the Government people for harm and direct threat. Sue them, you know, like for cash. And sue their bonds right along with it all.
2017-12-27 11:27
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Entered by: PureTrust
And this is exactly why you can never file a 1040 form. After all, even if you sign it "to the best of my knowledge," You know that is a lie. Why is it a lie? Because the best of your knowledge is that you don't know if it is a fact or not. You know that there might be something in IRS regs that shows that you might be wrong about something. You know that only if you knew all the IRS law, and were able to cross reference it all accurately, then you would know that it was to the best of your knowledge. So, you know that you can't honestly sign the form. Throw in privacy, and you aren't required to sign anything with them. And if you don't sign, all their assumptions about your tax status are bogus. Sue the individual agents and their bonds for harming you by lying about you and thereby getting your property stolen from you. Use the word "property" in your law suit against them.
2017-12-26 18:07
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Entered by: PureTrust
Can you imagine the strength of devolution, that in 6,000 years ( people forgot all about metallurgy, so that we have to learn it all over again, each of us who wants to know it?
2017-12-26 09:44
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Entered by: PureTrust
This whole thing is kinda irrelevant. Why? Because any alien who wanted to take it to court using the 6th or 7th amendments, could get a jury trial for it. Government could be overruled in a jury trial. Neither Trump or Brown would have anything to do with it. When English Europeans came to America, the Indians lost. They didn't have jury trial. But the English did.
2017-12-26 09:39
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Entered by: PureTrust
From the article, above, "Ariel believes that only an interdisciplinary approach can help us win the war against aging." There doesn't seem to be much spiritual or positive thinking science added to the work being done. Some studies show that the placebo effect can produce more than 30% of the benefits in those who are being treated for disease. Why isn't it being talked about here? After all, aging is simply a complex disease, isn't it? Or did I miss it?
2017-12-21 12:24
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Entered by: Dennis Wilson
The Shire document is an abbreviated version of L Neil Smith's Covenant of Unanimous Consent. If you are curious, a copy of and introduction to the Covenant is available here: tinyurl(DOT)com/The-Bare-Minimum-W . .
2017-12-20 05:14
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Entered by: PureTrust
So how do you decrypt it?
2017-12-20 04:56
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Entered by: PureTrust
Ditching Karl for Ayn is like placing your fork on the right side of your plate rather than the left side. It's like thinking that Wonder Woman in the movies is going to save you for real. Rather, ditch both Karl and Ayn for God, and specifically, the God of the Bible.
2017-12-19 04:41
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Entered by: PureTrust
You don't have to use the Ligntning Network to exchange safely or often. From "Lightning Network cross-chain atomic swaps (what we call off-chain atomic swaps) have some benefits and drawbacks compared to the on-chain version. First, off-chain swaps on LN are instant as opposed to requiring several blocks on their respective chains. Second, off-chain swaps require funds to be committed to the Lightning Network. That is, any funds in a Lightning Network channel can only be used on the Lightning Network until the channel is closed."
2017-12-19 04:31
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Entered by: PureTrust
Two companies that seem to be using atomic swap are these: and I have used neither. I am only showing them as examples. You don't have to depend on the Lightning Network.
2017-12-19 04:19
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Entered by: PureTrust
From "Are atomic swaps the transactions that occur in the lightning network? yes they have already been done as tests - Can atomic swaps occur outside the lightning network? Sure. LN is just one payment channel implementation - Are the transactions that occur in the lightning network called atomic swaps? No. they are essentially HTLC bitcoin transactions."
2017-12-19 04:15
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Entered by: PureTrust
DON'T GET TRICKED BY THE LIGNTNING NETWORK. YOU DON'T NEED IT. From "You might think using an atomic swap requires a certain degree of trust, but that is not really so. Atomic swap is using a hashed time-locked contract, which is a part of the scripting language used for most major cryptocurrencies in existence right now. It has been added to Bitcoin Core on proposal of Peter Todd, a well known bitcoin developer."
2017-12-18 04:29
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Entered by: PureTrust
Brexit $3 trillion? Dlon't make me laugh. the Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex) trades over $5 trillion daily. - Why wouldn't stocks go down and then up with Trump? Down simply indicates that people were shocked. Up shows that people believe in a money-man at the helm, rather than a politician controlled by a different kind of, anti-American money man.
2017-12-18 04:22
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Entered by: PureTrust
Watch the demolition in this scene from the recent, 2017, "Wonder Woman" - Then compare it to any of the 9/11 building crash videos.
2017-12-18 03:25
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Entered by: PureTrust
Since Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH) seems to have simply raised the block size like the original plan was for Bitcoin, Is there anything wrong with loading up on BCC? After all, don't they use what essentially is simply an earlier version of the BTC Core programming? Haven't they done the simple block increase that Satoshi Nakamoto provided for? Isn't BCC simply an almost ground floor opportunity to get in on freedom maintenance with Bitcoin? After all, they have used the same blockchain up until their November, 2017, fork (split) from Bitcoin, haven't they? And their blockchain isn't locked so that other Bitcoin wallets can't use it easily, like the current Bitcoin Core version, 0.15.1 locks the blockchain that they use, is it? Should we use Bitcoin Cash if we want to remain free? Won't people jump to "cheap" (BCC) later when they see how convenient it is?
2017-12-16 10:33
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Entered by: Charlie Patton
"Government has the obligation to mandate universal access to our basic rights—either by funding them with tax dollars or compelling employers to fund them." Incontrovertibly true! Now, when are they going to send me my free 1911 and my free printing press?
2017-12-11 14:38
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Entered by: JNeilSchulman
I demand that Britain move its capital to Liverpool. I demand that France move its capital to Vichy.