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IPFS News Link • Eugenics

Why I Support Congressman Ron Paul for President

There are a plurality of reasons why I support Ron Paul and oppose the rest of the candidates. I couldn't possibly enumerate them all in this one commentary. However, I will begin by pointing out a few of the reasons why Ron Paul appeals to me.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Philly Dave
Entered on:
Great Article, but what I really want to do is play "Caption This Picture"

"Mr Giuliani, I feel compelled to warn you that before you violate the non-aggression axiom by backhanding me in the chops ... I am carrying"

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

We The People are weeding out the NAZI`S.
I think Yahoo should move to "China" where their Anti-Americanism will be celebrated.
America dosn`t want them in America.