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IPFS News Link • Iran

'#CNNFail': Twitterverse slams network's Iran absence

• News Cnet
While word of riots in the streets of Tehran spread like wildfire on Twitter, CNN stayed largely silent on the story, surprising and dismaying many. (Credit: Twitter) As the Iranian election aftermath unfolded in Tehran--thousands of demonstrators took to the streets to express their anger at perceived electoral irregularities--an unexpected hashtag began to explode through the Twitterverse: "CNNFail." ...

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

I`m so dam tired of hearing about the "MSM" I can`t stand it.

These "MSM" Idiots have no power at all over us.We don`t even have to listen to them.

If these "MSM" people are helping destroy America,,,they are our enemies.Turn them Off is all we have to do...turn them off.
