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IPFS News Link • Federal Reserve

'End the Fed' Author Ron Paul's NY Victory Lap

• Seeking Alpha

 Dr. Paul was a happy man having just led an impromptu march through the financial district ending at the steps of Geithner's old haunt, while his escorts chanted 'End The Fed' over and over as they walked and snapped photos.

On Tuesday afternoon, Congressman Ron Paul was in New York City, the financial district to be exact, hosting a book signing for End The Fed at Borders. While being escorted to his next event somewhere else on Wall Street, Paul asked his coterie if the NY Federal Reserve building was nearby. You can guess where the group detoured next.

Great music accompanies the clip and there are some classic lines from Paul and his supporters. My favorite was someone telling the Fed's building security guards that they better start looking for a new job. Beautiful line. Wish I had been there.

And by the way, while you were sleeping, End The Fed cracked Amazon's Top 10 List of Bestsellers. Check out the rankings for yourself right here.


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Lolo
Entered on:

 End the Fed ... ? I heard a comment that "sleep walkers are still day dreaming ... it's not going to happen -- only in a daydream."

Comment by Lucky Red
Entered on:

 Holy shit!  You actually have something positive to say about someone?  I'm falling off my chair here...