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IPFS News Link • Politics: Democratic Campaigns

Rahm Emanuel sworn in as Chicago’s mayor

Mayor Rahm Emanuel took the oath of office Monday amid sunshine, children’s choirs and a billion-dollar deficit he says he must tame.

“Our city’s financial situation is difficult and profound. We cannot ignore these problems a day longer,” Emanuel told thousands of people gathered in the Frank Gehry-designed Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park — which Mayor Daley spent $475 million to build.

Vice-President Joe Biden, cabinet members, celebrities and clergy looked on as Emanuel delivered the bitter tonic with a spoonful of optimism:

“I have been clear about the hard truths and tough choices we face: We simply can’t afford the size of city government that we had in the past,” Emanuel said. “It’s not just a matter of doing more with less. We must look at every aspect of city government and ask some basic questions: Can we afford it? Is it worth it? Do we need it?”

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Comment by Temper Bay
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Rahm Emanuel sworn in as Chicago’s mayor

Better read as:  Ram Emanuel sworn in as Chicago's Capo de tuti Capo.