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IPFS News Link • Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

Pity the Poor, Persecuted Police

• by William Grigg (Pro Liberate)
Michael Kennedy is Chief of Police in tiny Sunriver, Oregon, an unincorporated resort village in the Beaver State's Deschutes County. Kennedy insists that his police force has been terrorized for years by a marauder named Robert Foster. 
“He breaks the law all the time,” Kennedy insisted in a June 15, 2010 sworn deposition. 
“Well, have you ever arrested him?” asked Portland attorney Frank Wesson, who was representing Foster at the time.
“I have not,” admitted Kennedy.
“Has anyone in your department ever arrested him?” Wesson pressed.
Kennedy sought refuge in evasion: “Not to my knowledge, sir.”

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

   Everyone should keep an eye on this one. This is "classic": It's really hard to find so blatant an example of what U.S. "law enforcement" really is. At it's very simplest, this is textbook (though not actually inany text that I can find) "badcopism". Every bad cop I've ever known or heard of had one (of many) traits in common with pre-adolescent and adolescent criminal offenders...There was a marked disrespect for the rights of others; they believe they are righteous and above the lesser a--holes they are "sworn to smite".

   Actually, this is little more than a group of "legal" vigilantes who don't know what they are doing or how to do it, using the cover of authority to run roughshod over a community and its citizens. I'd say window-on-the-world to past, present, and the certain future of all U.S. legal tyranny.

    Though the whole bunch would likely qualify for mental disability - last I looked, paranoid "tendency" was a hallmark of schizophrenia - I'd say lunatics are sort of experiencing what the rest put up with everyday of our lives.

     I'd have to ask, at some point, why it is that this guy is being subjected to serial harrassment by these Barney Fifes?  

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