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IPFS News Link • Iran

Israeli Ad Mocks Iran's Nuclear Program, Mystery Explosions

• ABC News (video)
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The Israeli government had nothing to do with the ad.

Samsung had nothing to do with the ad.

But an ad for an Israeli cable company featuring cross-dressing Mossad agents who blow up an Iranian nuclear facility using a Samsung tablet has caused a furor in both Iran and Israel. Iran has threatened to ban the sale of Samsung tablets and the commercial itself has now disappeared from Israeli television.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ernest Hancock
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What's the message?... "Of course everyone knows its us (if it is or not) sooooo?,... Bitches!"

Oh yeah,... and what's all "Hail to the Queen" crap all over TV news? '60 years of friend and puppet string'. Fox news round table thing had five or more people in the round 'toasting' the Queen with classes held high. Wow!

We are Sooooooo going to WAR!

Well, I'm against it.,... whenever and for whatever 'they' say it was for.