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IPFS News Link • Space Travel and Exploration

Airline Travelers Choose Alternative Rewards: Space Travel, Anyone?

•, By: Darren Booth
 While frequent flyer programs are a hugely profitable part of the airline business, unredeemed balances that members hold represent a large liability on balance sheets. So airlines are getting more creative in offering options to get those miles off their books.
One French getaway includes roundtrip business class tickets for two, 1-night accommodation in Paris and train tickets to Normandy for a 2-night stay at the castle, Chateau de Balleroy. It was completed in 1636 and is owned by Forbes magazine publisher Malcolm S. Forbes. The current bid as of this posting is 236,000 miles.

 But if bidding isn't your thing, other airlines offer incredible items at fixed mileage rates.


 IdeaWorks, a consulting firm focused on the airline and travel industry, recently published a report of, "40 alternative rewards ranging from the extravagant to everyday comforts."