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IPFS News Link • Politics: Libertarian Campaigns

Marc J. Victor 4 Senate: No Butt Kissing, Just Preaching Freedom (Full Interview)


Published on Nov 5, 2012 by successcouncil This is the full interview with Mr. Victor. His no-nonsense freedom loving attitude is awesome. He also makes great points about the integrity of sticking to the truth and your ideals, something that neither the democrats or the republicans have done. We sincerely hope Marc achieves his goal to change a few hearts and minds, opening them up to the idea of freedom. Good Luck Marc.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Now, now, Ernie. Here you are voting. Maybe you aren't at the polls, but you are doing a whole bunch of the legwork so that Marc can run for office. You are voting... in a BIG way.

When Mr. Victor talks about advancing "the cause of freedom anywhere in the world," does he mean the freedom of terrorists to take freedom from other people? No! Removing freedom from other people is NOT advancing the cause of freedom. When you take freedom away from people, whether you are a Middle East terrorist, or a terrorist inside the United States Government, you are still a terrorist.

Love that part about freedom being a prerequisite for peace, and about peace being greater than freedom. Watch out for the so-called benefactors who attempt to force peace, explaining that freedom will follow (Many of our U.S. Government leaders do this.). It's the other way around. Freedom needs to come first. Peace will follow.

The Federal Reserve Banking system was given, by Government, the authority to control the money. What Government probably didn't understand when they turned this authority over to the Fed was, that this type of system has at the CORE OF ITS NATURE, the inherent REQUIREMENT to cause the Government to increase in size. The Federal Reserve Banking system is super-terrorism, at its finest.

Thanks, you guys, for making this video.

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