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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

A strange fact about the Connecticut shootings

"This horrific crime was perpetrated at [Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, next to the town] in which the author of ‘The Hunger Games’ lives. These are never random events."
This is indeed suspicious. How likely is it that such an event would just coincidentally be related to a movie involving ritual killing of children? Speculation that this tragedy will be used as a pretext for confiscating guns or at least eroding the right to self-defense is rampant, and this indicates a glimmering as to why and how.

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Comment by McElchap
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Is it not strange that BOTH the Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza and the "Batman" shooter Holmes in Aurora, Colorado, had fathers who were due to testify in the huge LIBOR SCANDAL TRIAL as ranking corporate financial officers? Peter Lanza was managing taxes for General Electric, which recently paid no taxes on over $14 billion in profits. Is it too much of a stretch to suggest Lanza and Holmes were psychiatrically set up to commit horrendous crimes to crush their families and silence their fathers? Hmmmn....