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IPFS News Link • Bitcoin

While Everyone Stopped Paying Attention, Bitcoin Went On Another Insane Surge

•, Joe Weisenthal
 A week and a half ago, Bitcoin crashed and fell to the mid-$60s (it
had been in the mid $200s).
After that spike and collapse, things quieted down and people stopped
talking about it as much.

Since then? Huge surge:

It's now at $158, which is a bit less than a triple from the lows.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Banks are closing down Bitcoin exchanges bank accounts. Bitfloor had its big troubles last year, but tried to see things through. Recently their bank, BofA, closed their account. And Bitcopia just announced on their site that Wells Fargo froze their account.

People are having a little problem getting their fiat money out of their Bitcoins if they want. This could drive the price back down. One thing that might happen is that a lot of little folks can trade cash money for Bitcoins on eBay or Craigslist or all over the place.

Bitpak has a very interesting way of getting you your cash if you want to get out of Bitcoin. Anyone can do this on a small scale.

Remember, if you are selling, someone else is buying. I'd say, buy and sell. Increase your net worth in both Bitcoins and dollars. But don't give up on either of them. at least not just yet.