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IPFS News Link • Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

Louisiana Man Arrested Twice in One Month for Video Recording Cops (Updated)

• Photography Is Not a Crime

Less than two weeks after he was arrested for video recording cops from a public street, Alex Lege was arrested again for the same thing.

This time it was the Eunice Police Department that arrested Lege, ....

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Often when you go to court, if the violation against you is something that has been adjudicated many times, you don't have any recourse, unless you find something different in your special case that was not in the others.

Maybe we can get this to act the other way this time. Maybe if we can get enough wins for videoing, we won't have to go to court. Maybe we can simply get our multi-$hundred thousands payment from the city, or whichever Government agency, more or less automatically.

The step after this is that we might gain backing to actually get some jail time for crooked cops who are simply out to arrest for anything or nothing.