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IPFS News Link • Food

Common Backyard Weeds for Dinner?

•, By Carolanne Wright
 Not surprisingly, edible weeds have come back into vogue as food prices continue to rise and budgets tighten. Tasty and nutritious, these humble plants ofter exceptional value (as in free) along with substantial health enhancing properties. Forage and Feast

Weeds are often viewed with a wary eye by gardeners as invasive intruders, not realizing these ‘pests’ are actually a terrific source of low-maintenance, healthy food. We can either wage a full out war against weeds with nasty chemicals along with long hours of backbreaking management, or we can simply consume the robust scoundrels. After all, as Andrea Karim of WiseBread notes, eating the bastards is much more satisfying than trying to fight a losing battle.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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If you don't keep your lawn mowed, the city will do it for you and charge you for it. Not a chance for the weeds to grow.