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IPFS News Link • Whistleblowers

Angela Corey Fires Whistleblower Who Revealed Withholding Evidence From Zimmerman Defense

• Jonathan Turley
Circuit Judge Debra Nelson seemed intent on the most recent charge of withholding text messages to want to avoid the issue, but she earlier held a sanctions hearing with the testimony of the man who brought the violation to the attention of the defense: IT director Ben Kruidbos. Corey has been widely criticized for over-charging the case by experts, including an article out today, and her team was widely criticized for putting on a weak case for prosecution. Now, before Nelson has ruled on her office’s withholding of evidence, Corey has fired Kruidbos. His termination before a ruling on the alleged prosecutorial abuse only strengthens his claims as a whistleblower and throws the ethics of Corey and her office in great question.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Hawkeye
Entered on:

The over weight Judge is useless to the human race. I feel sorry for he family,and pray she does not have children.