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IPFS News Link • Agriculture

Toxic glyphosate (Roundup) found to be harming dairy cows

 According to this latest indictment of the Monsanto-owned chemical, glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, was identified in 100 percent of urine samples collected from dairy cows all across Denmark, the health implications of which are immensely sobering for both the animals and humans.

Dr. Monika Kruger and her colleagues from the University of Leipzig in Germany and Minoufiya University in Egypt presumably did not expect to find glyphosate in every single urine sample they collected for analysis as part of their study. But as they say, the data speaks for itself, and it illustrates just how ubiquitous this extremely toxic crop herbicide has become throughout the environment. In every instance, it turns out, dairy cows were found to have glyphosate not only in their urine but also in their blood at levels that suggest serious cell toxicity.