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IPFS News Link • Law Enforcers or Peace Officers

Officer not so Friendly

I thought it was worth relaying to you in its entirety, because it’s yet another example of the needlessly adversarial attitude that seems to be becoming the new normal among law enforcers – and justification for the entirely rational fear of police that more and more of us are coming to grips with (as per my latest article; see here).
It’s especially hard for people who are inclined to support police (mostly, on the misplaced belief that they are there to “serve and protect” as opposed to “harass and collect”) to read these stories – and to face up to the reality of law enforcement these days. But it’s increasingly impossible to maintain the illusion that police are anything more than an enforcer class – to be avoided if all possible.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The major links on this page seem to be linked to a story about irritability between China and other nations over islands in the China seas areas, rather than unfriendly police.

The link to the story suggested by the article seems to be, but may have been something other than this.