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IPFS News Link • Inventions

Firehose-propelled hover platform puts water jetpacks to shame

•, Raymond Wong
Until someone (come on already!) invents an actual working hoverboard, we're stuck with using all sorts of trickery to achieve the same kind of floating effect. Be it magnets, CGI, or water, we're obsessed with hovering mid-air for some reason. Why? Because sci-fi movies have conditioned us to believe hovering things are futuristic.

We're not sure what compelled these Russian firefighters to strap six high-pressured firehoses to a disc-shaped wireframe. For all we know, maybe the firefighters used the hose-propelled platform to do a quick firetruck wash.

While the video is from October of last year, it only recently started going viral. Is riding a hose-propelled platform stupidly dangerous? Most likely. And is it a complete waste of water? You betcha. But you're still gonna watch it anyway.