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IPFS News Link • Entrepreneurship

The Shot Heard Round The Valley World


Many believe this gravy train of a never-ending Venture Capital/Angel Investor class will not only always be there, but the ranks will swell becoming even larger with burgeoning pocketbooks filled with their own newly minted IPO greenbacks.

Problem is for a great many, they have never seen the real Jeckyll and Hyde personality of "investor funding."

Initial Public Offerings (IPO) has been the rallying cry for many over the last 5 years to the detriment of what it really means to be an entrepreneur. (i.e., creating something that becomes bigger than one's self)

The term has now morphed into something akin to: I'm going to push this idea, get it funded, IPO it, and cash out! Rinse – repeat. For I'm a "Trep!" (For those not familiar with the term, it's the newest self-appointed moniker for the person who seems to be following this pattern of entrepreneurship.)

For what it's worth, this style of thinking about entrepreneurship from my perspective is very worrisome. The reason? It's only about the "Benjamins."