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IPFS News Link • Inventions

The Belt Scooter provides a wearable mode of transport


The Belt Scooter is an operational scooter that you literally wear as a belt, though it's ability to hold your pants up is questionable. It comprises a curved piece of wood that's strong enough to take a person's weight, but light enough to be worn around the waist, and vertical handlebars divided into segments which means they remain flexible until the strap inside is tightened, at which point the whole thing become rigid.

As a mode of transport it offers some obvious advantages over other alternatives. It's sturdy and, thanks to being worn around your waist when not in use, takes up less space and is less prone to getting stolen than a bicycle.

The Belt Scooter is a fantastic idea that would provide a simple method of transport when you find yourself in a bind. Similar scooters which don't double up as belts are extremely affordable, and with no special materials or manufacturing required, there is no reason the Belt Scooter would be any more expensive. That is, at least, if it was to be available to buy, which it sadly isn't. Yet. Kickstarter, anyone?
