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Watch Elon Musk announce Tesla Energy in the best tech keynote I've ever seen


I've watched a lot of handsomely paid CEOs get on stages for keynote presentations over the past decade, and none were as good as the one I saw Elon Musk give Thursday night in California as he introduced Tesla's new battery system. I'm sure many people will disagree — I mean, how can you compete with Steve Jobs introducing the iPhone in 2007 — but ultimately Jobs was selling a better smartphone. Musk is selling a better future.

I'm not saying Musk is going to succeed, or that you should go buy Tesla's battery. There are lots of ways to save the world and cut down on fossil fuels and Tesla's plan isn't the first. I'm just happy to see a presentation that was genuinely exciting and inspiring — a sales pitch for a tech product that's honest, and not treated like the second coming of Jesus. It's really obvious why so many tech reporters become jaded. Too many tech visionaries pretend like every footprint they leave is going to radically change everything and make the world a better place to live in. We get it. You made a slightly thinner phone from last year's model. You made an app that sends the word "Yo" to someone. Enjoy it while it lasts.
