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Tesla Model S P90D Wins "Go To Whoa" With Time Of 6.02 Seconds - Video

•, by Steven Loveday

This is surely a strange sight to see as the event is geared towards super-charged V8s. For the last 29 years, this 4-day event has prided itself on noise, burnouts, and an abundance of smoke.

Fast-forward to this year and we see that Drive entered the Ludicrous Tesla Model S into the "Go to Whoa" competition. Onlookers and security guards seemed puzzled by the unexpected guest appearance.

In the chosen event, the goal is to cover approximately 100 meters of straight asphalt at top speed and then brake precisely at the end, between two lines. After a few failed attempts, the driver pulled off a 6.02-second time, which was the best time recorded by any car that day.
