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IPFS News Link • Holidays

Break the State: A News Year's Resolution for the Ages by Bill Buppert

• by Bill Buppert

Bill Buppert's Note: The holidays are here and all my children are flying in from all across the West to spend Christmas with us.

I want to wish a Merry Christmas to all my readers and their families. 2017 will be a different year which may or ma not turn the tide of the occupation of Mordor by the oligarchies in DC. We'll see, I am not holding breath. Don't hesitate to stop preps for the coming Endarkenment or suspect that the rulers will all of sudden find a moral compass. They don't have one. They are the Morlocks of the socialist author, HG Well's fantasies.

Weapons training is critical but don't forget that rebellion is fed by logistics and mature operating systems for strategic narrative and vision for cooperating resistance organizations. The reason this is critical is that most successful revolutions in human history are cooperative venture among a variety of loosely confederated interest blocs. Witness the Committees of Correspondence during the First American Revolution and the current webs of resistance intrigue across the Middle East.

Real revolution starts between your ears and using your transmission means for your family. Friends are a choice so be careful because Mordor has a vast and deep informant network where they buy the loyalty of people for a price that would be embarrassing if revealing to friends, families and neighbors of the snitch.

Per the amusing paroxysms of the fake news imbroglio, keep in mind that like Snowden, Wikileaks has brought the curtain back for all to see the disinformation, deceit and sheer hubris of the rulers and their political factions for all to see. You'll note that the DNC has yet to issue a comprehensive point-by-point refutation of the email scandal in which the inner workings of America's Communist Party 2.0 were shown for anyone interested. If the NYPD had their wits about them, a stretch at best, they copied the drive on Comrade Weiner's laptop before turning the computer over to the Stasi.

I will be doing some more podcast interviews and discussions in 2017 and participating in a new documentary being crafted by TL Davis. Most of the work will be historical and analytical work on resistance and rebellion planet-wide..

I suggest your News Resolution include a complete disconnection any cable, satellite or antennae media that doesn't stream. Streaming is an elective process that allows the user to be actively selective in the stuff their brainstem absorbs. A key component of the state's success is the programming that tales place in both the broadcast realm and its supplemental mind laundry in the government schools.

Dedicate yourself to reading books, putting down your screens and talking to people…with your mouth.

Why do you think they call it programming? –BB
