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IPFS News Link • Secession/States

Out-of-state conservatives are some of Calexit's biggest fans

• By Paul Thornton

And yet, judging by the letters we've received from across the country on the burgeoning secessionist movement known as "Calexit," some readers would be happy see us go — or at least take pleasure in watching our deep-blue state suffer the trauma of severing ties with the union. Some in-state critics of California politics likewise welcome a split, while others scold the secessionists.

Great news: California might secede. It doesn't get any better than this.

I have some advice to the sane citizens of California: Members of the middle class should start planning their own exit. When California loses all those billions from the federal government, the politicians are going to need to find money elsewhere, and you know Hollywood's millionaires aren't going to provide it. They'll move to their mountain homes in Wyoming or elsewhere.