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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

To Defend Civilization We Must First Understand It


Everyone is worried about the downfall of civilization and the rise of barbarism.

The left sees Trump as a retrograde menace to the diverse and inclusive society of their hopes and dreams. They use the hashtag #resist and chant, "He will not divide us." Those most radicalized against Trump call themselves Antifa (anti-fascists) and pose as the vanguard of "the resistance" against an incipient return of Nazi-like savagery.

Trumpists, on the other hand, see their man as a stalwart defender of Western civilization against the barbarians at the gates. His most radicalized fans have embraced hard nationalism (the Alt-right, Neo-reaction, etc) and fancy themselves to be modern crusaders. Trump himself is especially concerned with the "ravaging" brutes offering to sell us flat-screen TVs. In his inaugural address, he said:

"We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs."

Which side truly champions civilization, and which threatens it? To answer this meaningfully, we must first understand what civilization is.

Plato and the Division of Labor

The word civilization ultimately derives from civitas, the Latin word for city. In a sense, civilization is the way of life of the citizen, or city denizen. And the most distinctive and fundamental feature of city life is its economic aspect.

Plato explored the essential characteristics of the city in The Republic. He asked, what are the economic rudiments of a city-state? Most essential, he answered, is the provision of the citizenry's bodily requirements: the bottom level of Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid. Humans need food to sustain their life, as well as shelter and clothing to protect them from the elements.