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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

10 Examples Proving The US Gov't is an Expert at Turning Countries into 'Shitholes'

• Free Thought Project

The mainstream media's outrage over reports that President Trump referred to Haiti and El Salvador as "Shithole countries," has gone above and beyond any outrage attributed to the fact that the United States has let its Central Intelligence Agency have free reign over the governments it overthrows and the countries the U.S. invades.

As a result, the countries that have received more than their share of "freedom" from the U.S. have turned into the very definition of "shithole" countries, and have spent years attempting to recover. Here are the top 10:

1. Iran, 1953

When Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq drew criticism for nationalizing the British oil company that was the precursor to BP and challenging the Shah, the CIA launched a coup to overthrow him. The State Department released a trove of documents in June that gave insight into the CIA's role in the coup d'état.

The documents revealed that in a March 1953 memorandum to President Eisenhower, Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles listed "the elimination of Mossadeq by assassination or otherwise," as a method of repairing ties with Iran, restoring oil negotiations, and stopping a "Communist takeover."

After the U.S. overthrew Mossadeq, it guaranteed that Iran's monarch, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, would become the head of the country. His oppressive rule led to the Iranian revolution, which resulted in "a brutally repressive regime in Iran, client terrorist groups around the Middle East, savage sectarian violence in Iraq and a nuclear standoff."

2. Guatemala, 1954

When democratically-elected Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz challenged the United Fruit Company, a U.S. corporation, in order to call for laws that would be fair to Guatemalan farmers, the CIA stepped in. The agency overthrew Arbenz in 1954 and installed a military dictatorship in his place that resulted in a series of bloody U.S.-backed dictators.

It should be noted that Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara was in Guatemala at the time. He reportedly encouraged Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to "go the opposite direction" of Guatemala in order to stay in power, because the country's free and open society was what "allowed the CIA to penetrate and overthrow Arbenz."

3. Congo, 1961

When Patrice Lumumba, the first elected prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, led a campaign to oust the ruling Belgians from Congo, the U.S. responded by helping to overthrow and assassinate him.

Lumumba's murder, which has been called the "most important political assassination of the 20th century," was funded by the U.S and Belgium., employed partners in Congo, and was ultimately carried out by a Belgian execution squad. As The Guardian reported:

"The assassination took place at a time when the country had fallen under four separate governments: the central government in Kinshasa (then Léopoldville); a rival central government by Lumumba's followers in Kisangani (then Stanleyville); and the secessionist regimes in the mineral-rich provinces of Katanga and South Kasai. Since Lumumba's physical elimination had removed what the west saw as the major threat to their interests in the Congo, internationally-led efforts were undertaken to restore the authority of the moderate and pro-western regime in Kinshasa over the entire country. These resulted in ending the Lumumbist regime in Kisangani in August 1961, the secession of South Kasai in September 1962, and the Katanga secession in January 1963."

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