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Planet of the FAKES: Left-wing journalists use Roseanne distraction to pretend they're not ...


(Natural News) Roseanne Barr's entire career (and reputation) self-destructed today following her wildly ill-conceived tweet mocking the Obama administration's Valerie Jarrett for physically resembling "Planet of the Apes." Within hours, she apologized and shuttered her twitter account, explaining that it was a very distasteful joke. Without pause, the left-wing media seized upon the incident to proclaim themselves defenders of the moral high ground, instantly whitewashing all the times left-wingers in the media have viciously mocked the appearances of:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Sarah Palin

Donald Trump

Ivanka Trump

Alex Jones

… and anyone else the Left despises.

In other words, left-wing journalists are now pushing "Planet of the FAKES," where they all fake like they aren't hate-filled bigots who mock conservative women (and others) for their physical appearance on a routine basis.

Feminist Chelsea Handler repeatedly mocked Sarah Sanders' appearance, and her career wasn't terminated

How many hate-filled left-wing tweets have mocked Sarah Huckabee Sanders' appearance without any repercussions whatsoever?

Who can forget this derogatory painting released by Hollywood actor Jim Carrey, mocking the physical appearance of Sanders?

How many insults have been hurled at Sanders by Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC?

Or how about Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist David Horsey penning a piece on the Los Angeles Times, attacking Sanders with, "Sanders looks more like a slightly chunky soccer mom who organizes snacks for the kids' game." (Source)

And have you seen how radical left-wing feminist Chelsea Handler routinely attacks Sarah Sanders' physical appearance? As The Federalist details, "At one point, Feimster mocks Sanders's eye makeup and says you can apply black eye shadow with a paint roller to complete the look."