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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

"We Failed" – Danish Newspaper Admits Failure and Apologizes for Not Questioning...

•, By Jim Hoft

One of the leading newspapers in Denmark issued a public apology for spreading the government's lies about COVID-19 and narratives without sufficient skepticism throughout the pandemic.

Ekstra Bladet published an article last month with the title "Vi fejlede," which means "We failed."

Ekstra Bladet is a Danish tabloid newspaper, published by JP/Politikens Hus in Copenhagen and was founded in 1904.

"THE CONSTANT  mental alertness has worn out tremendously on all of us. That is why we – the press – must also take stock of our own efforts. And we have failed," Ekstra Bladet journalist Brian Weichardt wrote.

Ekstra Bladet wrote [translated]:

For ALMOST  two years, we – the press and the population – have been almost hypnotically preoccupied with the authorities' daily coronatal.

WE HAVE STARED  at the oscillations of the number pendulum when it came to infected, hospitalized and died with corona. And we have been given the significance of the pendulum's smallest movements laid out by experts, politicians and authorities, who have constantly warned us about the dormant corona monster under our beds. A monster just waiting for us to fall asleep so it can strike in the gloom and darkness of the night.

THE CONSTANT  mental alertness has worn out tremendously on all of us. That is why we – the press – must also take stock of our own efforts. And we have failed.

WE HAVE NOT  been vigilant enough at the garden gate when the authorities were required to answer what it actually meant that people are hospitalized with corona and not because of corona. Because it makes a difference. A big difference. Exactly, the official hospitalization numbers have been shown to be 27 percent higher than the actual figure for how many there are in the hospital, simply because they have corona. We only know that now.
