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IPFS News Link • Governors

South Dakota's glamorous GOP Governor Kristi Noem begins her campaign...


Donald Trump was in South Dakota on Friday night for a party fundraiser that doubled as an opportunity for the state's governor, Kristi Noem, to showcase herself as a potential vice presidential pick.

Trump joined the South Dakota Republican Party for a 'Monumental Leaders Rally' in Rapid City. 

Noem appeared alongside the former president and endorsed him, creating an image of the pair that Noem's allies hope make her look like vice presidential material. 

Sources have told the New York Times that she has her eye on a vice presidential spot. 

Noem, 51, has been touted as a future presidential candidate - with a spell in the White House certain to bring her to national prominence and help turbocharge any future presidential ambitions. 

Trump's decision to headline the event underscores his dominance in the Republican race even as he faces four separate indictments and 91 felony counts.

South Dakota holds a late primary and isn't competitive in a general election. 

With a huge lead in the polls, Trump is skipping much of the traditional primary campaign.

Instead of large-scale rallies, he is relying on state party events that offer large, friendly audiences at no cost to his campaign, while his political organization pays millions of dollars in legal expenses.

Friday's visit by Trump was something of an audition for Noem.