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IPFS News Link • Australia

Tesla Energy to Expand Into Full-Scale Utilities

•, by Brian Wang

The Brattle group has a Virtual Power Plant study. Buying peaking capacity from a VPP is 40% cheaper than a utility-scale battery and 60% lower than from a gas peaker plant.

A 60 GW VPP deployment could beat natural gas peaker plants with a net cost that is $15 billion to $35 billion lower than the cost of the alternative options over the ensuing decade (undiscounted 2022 dollars). A 60 GW of VPP could provide over $20 billion in additional societal benefits over a 10-year period.

Total electricity generation in Australia was estimated to be 273,265 gigawatt hours (GWh) in calendar year 2022, a 2% increase from 2021. Renewable sources contributed an estimated 88,208 GWh, making up 32% of Australia's total electricity generation, up three percentage points on the share in 2021. Australia has about 7% of the energy production of the USA.