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IPFS News Link • Texas

Rulers Send Troops To Texas Amid "Civil War" Fears

• Activist Post

Lines have been drawn and the naive slaves are already siding with which master they want to be ruled by.

The rulers of multiple states began sending personnel and resources months ago to combat increased migrant encounters at the United States-Mexico border, with one state saying "nothing is off the table" as tensions threaten to boil over between Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the Biden administration.

Don't forget that neither Abbott nor Biden will be fighting each other physically during this war if it goes that far. Both sociopaths will require others to obey their commands and go to war for them.

On Thursday, 25 Republican governors backed Abbott and "Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself" against what he has referred to as a migrant "invasion" of his state. Some believe the situation is escalating towards a civil war, and the mainstream media's use of the term seems to be exacerbating the idea.

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