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Internet Creates One World Order?


"We need to dream our future now," urged Celebrated Canadian thinker and new media consultant Derrick de Kerckhove. From his home on the shores of Lake Ontario, he explained the networking site Twitter marks "a huge moment in the maturation of the Internet." "It is the pulse of the people. It indicates the interconnection of everybody and the possibility of instant reporting. Remember that guy who landed in the Hudson River? Within minutes it was a global phenomenon. It's reporting in the absolute present," said the former director of the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology. Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, Twitter, blogging, instant messaging and other social technologies are examples of connected intelligence. They empower people, turning them into on-the-spot data relayers of everything from police take-downs to Mumbai terrorist attacks and Haiti earthquakes. He applauds the WikiLeaks whistleblower. "It's ridiculous not to recognize this as another maturation in the system. Now we can get the real news, we are not victims of ignorance." WikiLeaks is a global, social, emotional response to lies. It's an appeal to human decency, a push toward planetary transparency. – Times Colonist

Dominant Social Theme: Out of many, one.


1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Once everyone in the world accepts the Internet as the norm for communication, acquisition of knowledge, and alternative life-style experience, then Big Government around the world can start to phase in the formation of the political world society that they were not able to achieve through their television propaganda alone.
