IPFS Powell Gammill

Fascist Nation

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Where does the R3VOLution go from here?

Ron Paul R3VOLutionaries are wondering what to do? Where to go? Whom to support? Now that Ron Paul is winding down his campaign. They had been waiting for someone to come along and reinforce what they believed. To lead the protest. To rally the like minded.

Ron Paul was that man. A man of principle. A man whose decades of record matched his thoughts. A man of vigor.

But now the deadlines are approaching. Today (Tuesday) will be the final primaries. The state conventions are winding down. In the second week of September, the National GOP Convention will pass. More and more people who have been recently educated as to the big lie that is the election process will not bother voting. But that does not mean they won't seek alternatives. That does not mean they have abandoned educating their fellow citizens as to the mass robbery and manipulation that has plagued our once great nation. And having stopped voting myself, I can tell you it is tough resisting the urge to fulfill one's “civic duty.”

We are huge. We have spread across the nation – heck, across the globe. We are the military. We are our own press. We are our own sign makers. We have been the plague of newspaper editors. We have spoiled the plans of the main stream media and campaign managers. We have found we are not alone. We are mighty. So where to from here?

Well Ron Paul was a libertarian. He even ran as the candidate for President as the nominee of the Libertarian Party in 1988. So, it was a natural that the Libertarian Party would embrace the ideas of Ron Paul right? And woo Ron Paul's supporters to them. That would be easy for the Party of Principle right?

Unfortunately, the Party of Pragmatism has abandoned much of the bold uncompromising right and wrong, black and white issues promulgated by Ron Paul in favor of a tamer, polished, massaged, lukewarm support for “smaller government, lower taxes and more freedom.”

Such pablum may have been swallowed by the Revolutionaries years ago, but things have now gone too far. The amount of government is so vast, calling for smaller government doesn't cut it. Taxation is so vast a majority of one's life is spent working for the government. Worse, a majority of us receive a slice of the taxpayer earnings from the government.  It is too late for lower taxes ... we are way beyond getting a sliver of our life back. And more freedom ... what does that mean? Government has made it clear we cannot expect to get any of our freedoms back in this endless war, endless terror police state we inhabit.

And whom does the Libertarian Party champion as their representative to take Ron Paul's mantle? Bob Barr. Ex-CIA, ex-prosecutor, ex-CONgressman Bob Barr. Check his record. It is replete with tyrannies large and small upon us all. While he may have made some correct noises the past five years, and especially the past two years, his decades of revolting repression are not easily corrected. Certainly not in this small amount of time. And not in his recent tame missives.

So what is a R3VOLutionary to do? Well, there is a virtual Ron Paul clone running for President. Not as well known as the Libertarian Party. The Constitution Party's candidate, Chuck Baldwin, is a pastor, radio talk show host who has numerous writings to examine, a history of pursuing liberty against the state, and an early endorser of Ron Paul – before it was cool.

While I will not be voting for anyone this year, or any other general election since I believe it to be one big lie. If you cannot resist voting, then you should give Chuck Baldwin an examination. I think you will be as pleased as you were with Paul...assuming the Constitution Party will be on your ballot in your state ... that you actually have that choice. And heck, even if like me you do not vote, I can see some fun in continuing the R3VOLution through Baldwin through the end of 2008.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Publius
Entered on:

A more intellectual presentation of alternatives to the Ron Paul movement is at:

Comment by Gladestone
Entered on:

Amen to that, Chuck is alot better pick then these two aholes.
