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Education: Government Schools

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Article Image, By Jack Perry

Ok, so I see this big hoopla (deeply flavored with just a hint of rare hoo-ha) about this woman who saw her kid standing on the toilet and the kid tells her she learned it at school.

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It seems like every time I get online I see posts about college students advocating for the restriction of free speech on college campuses. From "safe spaces" to Emory students calling to evaluate teachers on their use of "microaggressions,"

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After spending several billion dollars attempting to reform public education over nearly 20 years, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is saying that, oops, the job is harder than its leaders had thought.

Article Image, Valerie Strauss

The Gates Foundation should have never been allowed to tamper with American education in the first place. It's failures admitted here are the reasons why it is 'doubling down' on Common Core investments to make sure it sticks permanently. Gate

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To paraphrase Bastiat, "Every time we say that we're against the state taking care of X, the socialists act as if we object to it being provided at all." We've heard this straw man argument thrown in our faces countless times.

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The authors state, "After 30 years of making incremental changes (in grading), the amount of rise has become so large that what's happening becomes clear: mediocre students are getting higher and higher grades." In their database of over 400

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Maybe the best argument for school choice is that we have no idea what kind of innovations could improve education until we allow radical competition. After all, if government ran the entertainment industry, we might still be watching black and white