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Religion: Believers

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From alien abductees, describing their captors; they do appear as disingenuous Godlike beings. Aliens in their UFOs were likely precisely that very ancient, deceiving "Being" who masqueraded as an evil God to Israelites 5,000 years ago. Why

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The PPJ Gazette

Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - I love political hypocrisy. - Here the Main Stream Media (MSM) is shouting “Why can’t we all just be friends” ala Rodney King and this yahoo with the “little letter” R behind his name

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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he essential Christmas story is that Christ came in human form to live among us on Earth to save all sinners here. What if there are intelligent beings out "there?" Do they have Christmas too? If the question sounds silly, some people take it ve

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His efforts haven’t exactly mellowed the clash of civilizations into a Kumbiya campfire circle. And yet Obama was at least theoretically on the right track. Because a recent poll by the new Abu Dhabi Gallup Centre reports that a large majority of Mus

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Glazov understands that the new Evil Empire is the global alliance between Islamist totalitarianism and western liberal progressivism or leftism. The interviewees’ work is post the Intifada of 2000 and post 9/11.

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Miraculous intervention continues to be part of the ongoing development of Christianity and we likely need to pay much more attention to this aspect rather than simply dismissing the subject as we are all encouraged to do.