Is Libertarianism Compatible With Religion? - The Cold Turkey Bust, David Calderwood on bad times ahead – then a better America - Can Japan Rise Again?, Pat Buchanan on the worries - Debt Makes a Comeback, Bill Bonner
There are over 300,000 evangelical Christian churches in America. That equates to tens of millions of professing Christians and hundreds of thousands of Christian ministers.
Pope Benedict XVI rejects the idea of Jesus as a political revolutionary and insists that violent revolution must never be carried out in God's name in a new book being released Thursday amid great fanfare at the start of Lent.
“If you advance confidently toward your dreams, and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with success unexpected in common hours. You will pass through invisible boundaries. New and liberal laws will manifest in you, and
A prominent British imam has been forced to retract his claims that Islam is compatible with Darwin's theory of evolution after receiving death threats from fundamentalists.
In the second book in his series Jesus of Nazareth, set for release on March 10, Pope Benedict XVI says that the Jews are not collectively responsible for the death of Jesus Christ, reports the Associated Press.
Tennessee is considering making it a felony to follow some versions of the Islamic code known as Shariah, the most severe measure yet put forth by a national movement whose members believe extremist Muslims want Shariah to supersede the Constitution.
The Grace Card opened Friday to encouraging reports of sold out shows, excited audiences and thrilled movie goers wanting to go again! Keep it up, Christians! What the world needs is not a Hall Pass but a Grace Card!
Mile Hi’s vision statement: Oneness revealed, a world of love, peace and abundance for all. Our mission: To serve as a spiritual beacon for personal empowerment and global enlightenment.
Greg Braden, a great writer talks about heart centered “belief waves.” You create heart, to belief, to “matter translator.” It connect to the coded language of waves, the energy moves to reality. It’s the creative force of life.
Warning. Caveat Emptor. Buyer beware. Providing an exegesis of a Quranic verse is an ambitious task for a layman such as me, and I am unqualified. Everything right and true is from Allah, not from Al Azhar, not from Al Jazeera, not from Al Qaida, but
This new trend of religion surfing and underground worship has greatly agitated the Iranian regime, which does not have the best track record for practicing what it preaches. For a government that has often claimed that it has tolerance for differen
I regularly blog for liberty related issues. Liberty is great and it is worthy of peaceful struggle. Liberty is from God; “…where the Spirit of the Lord, there is liberty.” (II Cor. 3:17) That is why totalitarian states fear the message of Christ
His latest sermon “Back to Basics”-- “Science of effective living: Tools for enlightened living”, Dr. Teel presents a ‘new’ way of thinking about your spiritual life, physical life, relationship and work life. You might name it ‘ancient wisdom’.
NOVOURALSK, Russia—After court-appointed experts who examined several publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses presented their findings, the Novouralsk City Court on December 30, 2010, accepted the prosecutor’s withdrawal of a claim to have the publicatio
A Palestinian West Bank couple belonging to an Islamic sect rejected by many Muslims endured insults and even death threats while trying to maintain a quiet existence. As word spread about them, things got worse.
From alien abductees, describing their captors; they do appear as disingenuous Godlike beings.
Aliens in their UFOs were likely precisely that very ancient, deceiving "Being" who masqueraded as an evil God to Israelites 5,000 years ago.
This surprising revelation informs us that we have no conflict at all with Islam, Judaism or Christianity. Our conflict is with the aspects of the Antichrist woven into the aspects of all these religions and must be guarded against and outright defe
Lynn Swearingen (c) copyright 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - I love political hypocrisy. - Here the Main Stream Media (MSM) is shouting “Why can’t we all just be friends” ala Rodney King and this yahoo with the “little letter” R behind his name
Dr. Teel said, “We might say that s.i.n. means ‘self-indulgent nonsense!” Where did that term come from anyway? I think the first ‘sin’ arrived with Adam eating the apple in the Garden of Eden.
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp…And the name of the star is called Wormwood…and many men died…
(Revelation 8:10-11)
he essential Christmas story is that Christ came in human form to live among us on Earth to save all sinners here. What if there are intelligent beings out "there?" Do they have Christmas too?
If the question sounds silly, some people take it ve
His efforts haven’t exactly mellowed the clash of civilizations into a Kumbiya campfire circle. And yet Obama was at least theoretically on the right track. Because a recent poll by the new Abu Dhabi Gallup Centre reports that a large majority of Mus
Glazov understands that the new Evil Empire is the global alliance between Islamist totalitarianism and western liberal progressivism or leftism. The interviewees’ work is post the Intifada of 2000 and post 9/11.
Sorry! That idea no longer works in the 21st century. We must move beyond it, above it and be done with it. Why on earth would any of God’s expressions ‘fear’ their creator? Who decided on such a negative moniker for God?
The Gallup organization found that seven in ten Americans think religion is losing influence, one of the highest responses in the 53-year history of the poll.
Miraculous intervention continues to be part of the ongoing development of Christianity and we likely need to pay much more attention to this aspect rather than simply dismissing the subject as we are all encouraged to do.
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