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WAR: About that War

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The top U.S. commander in the Middle East warned Congress against setting a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, rejecting the arguments of resurgent Democrats who are pressing President Bush to start pulling out.

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The civil reconstruction of Iraq will cost at least $100 billion, US officials in Baghdad told Iraqi contractors who are vying for some of the work. "UN and World Bank estimates approximated Iraq's infrastructure needs to be about $

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CBS News

There is no one on the Joint Chiefs of Staff who has visited Iraq more often than Gen. Mike Hagee, whose term as Commandant of the United States Marine Corps ends Monday. Hagee says he asked his boss again and again who would take charge of those cit

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Insurgent activity in Afgahnistan has risen fourfold this year, and militants now launch more than 600 attacks a month, a rising wave of violence that has resulted in 3,700 deaths in 2006, a bleak new report released Sunday found.

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by Gordon Prather (AntiWar)

And you believe – more importantly – that a Democrat-controlled Congress will prevent Bush’s looming war of aggression against Iran? Well, perhaps you’d better check out ....

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by Aaron Glantz (AntiWar)

"The main control Congress has is financial," said Pratap Chatterjee, who directs the non-profit group Corpwatch. "Congress can refuse to pay for the war, which is what they did in Vietnam, but they can't really dictate how it'

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The Australian

THE South Korean Government has defied American pressure and refused to join a stop-and-search campaign against North Korean weapons of mass destruction proliferation.

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By JASON STRAZIUSO Associated Press Writer

KABUL, Afghanistan — Insurgent activity in Afghanistan has risen fourfold this year, and militants now launch more than 600 attacks a month, a rising wave of violence that has resulted in 3,700 deaths in 2006, a bleak new report released Sunday found

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by Tony Karon (Rootless C

Signed on to the notion that it was a good war, the right war, executed badly, because Rumsfeld adhered to some bizarre capital-intensive theory of warfare. In other words, if Rumsfeld had simply sent more troops, the outcome would have been differen

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by Charles Pena (AntiWar)

Much to the chagrin of the Pentagon's comptroller, Tina Jonas, word has leaked out that the Department of Defense supplemental request for fiscal year 2007 may be as large as $160 billion.

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Milken Institute (PDF)

In January, we estimated that the true cost of the Iraq war could reach $2 trillion, a figure that seemed shockingly high. But since that time, the cost of the war – in both blood and money – has risen even faster than our projections anticipated.

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Last week, a group of current troops, with support from a handful of antiwar organizations, announced plans to petition Congress with a collection of "appeals for redress," which call for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq.

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Asia Times

The reason Iraq is so bloody today is blamed on many factors. It could be Maliki's weakness and compliance with the militias. It could be because the Americans disbanded the Iraqi Army when they toppled Saddam, or because outside forces, like Sau

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Jerusalem Post

President Bush reportedly said he would "understand" a preemptive Israeli strike against Iran's nuclear sites. Maariv, citing diplomatic sources, reported that French President Jacques Chirac discussed Iran's nuclear program with Bu

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Consortium News

When American voters go to the polls on Nov. 7, one of the foremost questions that should be on their minds is how did the US get into the Iraq mess, which has claimed the lives of more than 2,800 US soldiers and possibly hundreds of thousands of Ira

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by Pat Buchanan

And why do we need more troops? Because the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are going badly for lack of U.S. troops, and because, says the Standard, President Bush needs to have the strategic option to put ground forces into “Iran, North Korea, Soma