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WAR: About that War

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NY Times

The deputy director of force health protection and readiness at the Defense Department, said the previous method of tallying casualties was misleading and might have made injuries and combat wounds seem worse and more numerous than they really were.

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Boston Globe

The messianic Soldiers of Heaven militia that fought US and Iraqi troops in one of the fiercest battles of the war Sunday is among the more than two dozen extremist militias operating across Iraq that are fast becoming a powerful, and hidden, new ene

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Tufts Daily

The New Yorker's Seymour Hersh closed out last week's symposium "The 'War on Terrorism': Where Do We Stand" with a scathing critique of President George W. Bush and his foreign policy in the Middle East. "The fact of

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President George W. Bush will request slightly more than $100 billion to cover war operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for the rest of this year and an even larger amount for fiscal 2008 that begins on October 1, congressional sources said on Thursday

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Iraq indefinitely halted all flights to and from Syria and closed a border crossing with Iran as the government prepares for a new security crackdown aimed at crushing violence in the capital and surrounding regions, a member of parliament and an air

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The Independent

There are growing suspicions in Iraq that the official story of the battle outside Najaf between a messianic Iraqi cult and the Iraqi security forces supported by the US, in which 263 people were killed and 210 wounded, is a fabrication.

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der Spiegel

Former chief of the CIA's Europe division, Tyler Drumheller, discusses the US foreign intelligence service's cooperation with Germany, the covert kidnapping of suspected terrorists and a Bush adminstration that ignored CIA advice and u

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NY Times

Iraqi forces were surprised and nearly overwhelmed by the ferocity of an obscure renegade militia in a weekend battle near the holy city of Najaf and needed far more help from American forces than previously disclosed, American and Iraqi officials sa

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By The Associated Press

The government has agreed to drop two allegations of conduct unbecoming an officer from its case against an Army lieutenant who called the Iraq war illegal and refused to deploy but still faces a maximum of four years' imprisonment.

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Christian Science Monitor

What precisely happened near the Shiite shrine city of Najaf Sunday is still being sorted out, but it seems likely that at its root was an unusual new wrinkle in Iraqi violence: a Shiite plan to attack Shiites. A battle that lasted for more than 12

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Tom Paine

Having made a mess of Iraq, continuing to refuse to play a constructive and even-handed role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and having gotten bored with democracy promotion, the Bush administration now appears to be fanning the flames of sectari

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Ron Paul -

Congress has spent more than $500 billion on specific appropriations for Iraq. This sum is not reflected in official budget and deficit figures. If every American taxpayer had to submit an extra five or ten thousand dollars to the IRS this April...

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by Jacob Sullum (Reason)

After violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by eavesdropping on Americans without warrants for 5 years, the administration somehow found a way to obey the law without sacrificing our safety.

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Plain Dealer

Officially, 23,000 troops have been wounded in combat in Iraq. But more than double that number have fallen ill or been injured in what the Pentagon considers "nonhostile" action, a way of counting that hides the war's full toll.

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San Francisco Chronicle

The case for adding troops in Iraq -- and keeping them there -- rests on one basic assumption: As bad as things are now, they would become catastrophic if the United States leaves.

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LA Times

Iraqi leaders studied the possibility of a Democratic takeover months before the vote. Concluding even the most staunchly antiwar Democrats would not abandon Iraq. It was President Clinton who funded the opposition movements now in power.