It's not a prison, man. It's a detainee camp! Mark Yannone gets it "all sussed out" in the most forthright, clear manner yet made for the future of the Guantanamo Detainee Camp. WARNING: Reading this may rupture something.
Change foreign policy, get out of Iraq NOW. To Obama: who are you gonna nuke? To Biden: "you have a certain arrogance"... "The military industrial complex controls government lock stock and barrel"... "Drug war, it doesn;t wo
The director of a new documentary about two September 11 widows who launched a campaign to help Afghan war widows says it's not a "September 11 movie" and her aim is to counter U.S. public amnesia about Afghanistan.
CIA director George Tenet says in a new book that there was no serious debate within the US administration ahead of the 2003 invasion of
Iraq, according to US media reports Friday.
The Senate's No. 2 Democrat says he knew that the American public was being misled into the Iraq war but remained silent because he was sworn to secrecy. "The information we had ... was not the same information given to the American people.
The CIA warned the Bush White House seven months before the 2003 Iraq invasion that the U.S. could face a thicket of bad consequences, starting with "anarchy and the territorial breakup" of the country, former CIA Director George Tenet writ
This was forwarded to me by my wife. I don't know how she came across it on Craigslist where she spends a lot of time. But she thought I would be interested.
For the second time in a generation, the US faces the prospect of defeat at the hands of an insurgency. In April 1975, the US fled the Republic of Vietnam, abandoning our allies to their fate at the hands of North Vietnames communists.
Private contractors, including for-hire intelligence analysts, computer technicians and spies, now form a "key part" of the overall intelligence workforce, according to a survey by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Sectarian violence continued to claim the lives of a large number of Iraqi civilians in Sunni Arab and Shiite neighbourhoods of Iraq’s capital, despite the coalition’s new Baghdad security plan, the UN said.
Paul Wolfowitz must bear a large part of the responsibility that is usually laid at the door of his superior alone as the puppet who cleared the way for Iraq's destruction.
Two Iraqi women and two children were believed to have been killed in a U.S. air strike aimed at al Qaeda militants north of Baghdad, the U.S. military said.
An active-duty Army officer is publishing a blistering attack on U.S. generals, saying they have botched the war in Iraq and misled Congress about the situation there.
"America's generals have repeated the mistakes of Vietnam in Iraq,
PBS series BILL MOYERS JOURNAL premieres at a special time with "Buying the War," a 90-minute documentary that explores the role of the press in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq.
Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, said conditions in Iraq may get harder before they get easier and will require "an enormous commitment" over time by the United States. [That's the plan?]
United Nations Assistance Mission for
Iraq criticised Baghdad for concealing the casualty figures from its sectarian war and charged that many detainees have "disappeared".
Congressman John Murtha (D-PA) believes that President Bush's "surge" or escalation of US troops into Iraq "has failed," and redeployment would not necessarily cause the humanitarian crisis that the White House warned may happ
An Army Ranger who was with Pat Tillman when the former football star died by friendly fire said he was ordered by a higher-up to conceal that information from Tillman's brother.
On Friday's "Countdown" Keith Olbermann talks to the founder of Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America, Paul Rieckhoff, about the latest developments surrounding the death of Pat Tillman.
The Defense Authorization Act of 2006, passed on Sept. 30, empowers President George W. Bush to impose martial law in the event of a terrorist “incident,” if he or other federal officials perceive a shortfall of “public order,” or antiwar protests t
(This man is becoming one of my favorites) Unless the Regime is forced to concede defeat in Iraq, withdraw our troops, and punish the policymakers who led our nation into this abominable mess, we're in for a generation or more of similar underta
Congressional Democrats agreed Monday to ignore President Bush's veto threat and send him a $124 billion war spending bill that orders the adminstrations to begin pulling troops out of Iraq by Oct 1. "On Iraq, the American people want a new
David Broder, the sagely insightful “dean” of the Washington press corps, attacked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) today over his claim that the war in Iraq is lost. [Hey, speaking of mind ...]
Residents of a Sunni enclave of Baghdad demonstrated and shouted slogans yesterday against a newly built wall sealing off their neighborhood from the rest of the city. [Bush's last erection. The Great Wall of Cheney.]
Remarks by senior U.S. commanders and officials and a change in Army deployment plans all suggest the higher level of American troops now building in Iraq is likely to remain for months beyond the summer.
Within hours of Pat Tillman's death, the Army went into information-lockdown mode, cutting off phone and Internet connections at a base in Afghanistan, posting guards on a wounded platoon mate, and ordering a sergeant to burn Tillman's unifor
The Marine Corps chain of command in Iraq ignored "obvious" signs of "serious misconduct" in the 2005 slayings of 24 civilians in Haditha, and fostered a climate that devalued the life of innocent Iraqis to the point that their de
The gist of the Israeli message in its recent talks with US Defense Secretary Robert Gates is that Syria is preparing for a military confrontation with Israel. The US message to Israel on Syria, in contrast, remained unchanged:
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