Alex talks with Doug Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network about information released by his high-level DHS contact concerning government gun confiscation and other important topics.
You may recall this past April, when Bank of America informed McMillan Rifles in
Phx. that they were asking them to close their accounts. Well, it has happened again. This time with the folks who made your AR-15s you bought a few years ago.
They can move together in swarms, build towers, dance, throw and catch, assess targets and soon will even make their own decisions. Both in war and at home, drones are developing fast and gaining control.
The leading U.S. pro-gun group, the National Rifle Association, has vowed to fight a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global arms trade and dismissed suggestions that a recent U.S. school shooting bolstered the case for such a p
After Adam Lanza took four guns that belonged to his mother and used them to murder her and dozens of other people, we witnessed an entirely predictable – and repellently opportunistic –escalation of the war on individual gun ownership.
Authorities collected 2,037 firearms, including 75 assault weapons, and two anti-tank rocket launchers during L.A.’s annual gun buyback event. “Those are weapons of war, weapons of death,” LAPD Chief Charlie Beck said
Police were trading grocery store gift cards for guns in Los Angeles on Wednesday as part of an annual buyback program brought forward this year in response to the deadly shooting rampage in Newtown, Connecticut.
Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection --in conjuction with FEMA -- was running a drill at exactly 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, December 14, 2012, in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
The Second Amendment states clearly that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. You wouldn't know that from the US government's success in abridging those "unabridgable rights." Or the NRA's unfortunate culpability in the process.
Documentary-maker and liberal activist Michael Moore said the reason for mass shootings in the United States is largely due to fear and racism, and on Christmas Eve he pleaded, “calm down, white people, and put away your guns.”
A blogger who retaliated against a New York newspaper that came under fire for identifying people with gun licenses in its circulation area explained on Thursday why he published the names and home addresses of the paper’s employees.
The map indicates the addresses of all Journal News Employees in the New York Tri-State area. Each dot represents an individual Journal News employee -- a reporter, editor or staffer.