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Politics: Democratic Campaigns

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Oh, there is something about her…this great lady. Caring, hard working once a First lady She fights for country n my family. Now it's time for us to Stand Up with Hillary Hillary. Stand with Hillary

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Claiming that thousands of public comments condemning "dark money" in politics can't be ignored, the Democrat-chaired Federal Election Commission on Wednesday appeared ready to open the door to new regulations on donors, ....

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Looking back in time, learning hindsight's always right. We came together in '08, a defining moment we all can celebrate. And now it's 20-16 and this time I'm a thinking, Guys, put your boots on and let's smash this ceiling.

Article Image, Stand With Hillary

Looking back in time, learning hindsight's always right. We came together in '08, a defining moment we all can celebrate. And now it's 20-16 and this time I'm a thinking, Guys, put your boots on and let's smash this ceiling.

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Some pundits will cut numbers and cite the overall trends of midterm elections. Others will point to the Right's seizing on "Obamacare" and fanning the underlying racism against the first Black President. But a view of the electoral campaign trail

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Just as I predicted in this column last week, the GOP has captured the U.S. Senate, which means they now control both houses of Congress in Washington, D.C. But, if you recall, I also said that even if Republicans become the majority party in the Sen
