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An advertising partnership between the Washington Post and a Chinese government propaganda outlet is raising questions about the propriety—and legality—of an American news outlet publishing foreign propaganda under its masthead.

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Fans of Garry Trudeau's 'Doonesbury' may have to adjust their reading habits this week as many US newspapers have decided to move the popular comic strip from its place on the comics page to the editorial section.

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Despite the launch of an online paywall that has, by any measure, been a big success, the company's revenue for its core news business shrank again in 2011. Read more:

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NY Times

In the midst of a deteriorating advertising climate, The New York Times plans to eliminate up to 20 newsroom positions and seek additional savings in the business units, the company said Thursday. The reductions, described by the New York Times Co

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Economic Policy Journal

By many accounts, on Saturday, Occupy Wall Street marching protesters were led onto the Brooklyn Bridge by NYPD, giving many protesters the impression that the police had no problem with the march, and, indeed,that the police were only standing by to

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In a breathtaking response to a scandal engulfing his media empire, Rupert Murdoch closed down the News of the World, Britain's biggest selling Sunday newspaper. Its journalists hacked the voicemails of thousands of people, from child murder victims

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A Sudanese journalist was jailed for a month, and her editor fined, for publishing reports on the alleged rape of a female opposition activist by security force personnel. Fatima Ghazali is the first of several journalists to be tried for articles

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Lew Rockwell

His wife Jenn writes about the great libertarian journalist ["Orange Co. Register" columnist and book author], who has been suffering from cancer: I am very sad to tell you that Alan has suddenly become very weak as a result of the disease and not th

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Commentary Magazine

Should the federal government intervene when an American university permits its campus to become unsafe for Jews? When the prevailing atmosphere on campus is hatred against Israel and all things associated with the Jewish people?

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