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Domestic Policy

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Financial Times

Negative interest rates are back. Yields on short-term US government debt have fallen into negative territory as banks and investors park their cash in havens before the end of the year. Strong demand for US Treasury bills, US government debt with

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A coalition of black, Latino and Asian lawmakers on Thursday expressed opposition to a proposal that would require next year's census forms to ask about the status of a person's citizenship.

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Zero Hedge

Every day we hear about proposed caps on CEO pay, and new regulations to make sure companies are not rewarded for failure. Nowhere is failure being more greatly rewarded than in the United States bankruptcy system.

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Washington's Blog

Financial insider and commentator Yves Smith wrote an essay last week entitled "MSM Reporting as Propaganda" arguing that the government has been using propaganda to make people think that things are getting better, no one is angry, and - therefore -

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The Business Insider

The stories about a return to bubble-era lending standards are getting too depressing to bear. There are the no-down payment loans backed by the USDA, the FHA mortgage worth more than 110% of the value of the home, and now this: babies buying home

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The Business Insider

Incompetence plus ideology equals bankruptcy. The FHA still backs toxic mortgages The FHA's mission is political: it is still trying to "expand home ownership.The discredited ideology of home ownership is the most toxic ideologogy since communism.

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WSJ & Video

Even as the economy is sluggish and unemployment approaches 10%, these firms have been boosted by a stronger stock market, thawing credit market, a resurgence in deal making and the continuing effects of various government aid programs.

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Financial Times

I do not buy the strong-dollar pledges by Tim Geithner, Treasury secretary, and Larry Summers, director of the National Economic Council. They have to say that. It is the official policy line. The bond markets would go crazy otherwise. But a strong d

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