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[Note the AP headline.] Congressional committees approved a subpoena for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to compel her story on the Bush administration's claim, now discredited, that Iraq was seeking uranium from Africa.

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Information Clearinghouse

Lucy Komisar 04/05/07 -- -- NEW YORK, Apr 4 (IPS) - Now that the U.S. Congress is investigating the truth of President George W. Bush's statements about the Iraq war, they might look into one of his most startling assertions: that there was a lin

BBC Premature Exclamation on Building Seven The BBC reporter in NYC is reporting that Building Seven has collapsed and it is visible and standing in the background of the live news shot for fifteen minutes as she is speaking! Short 3 minute select

News Link • Global Reported By Thomas Costanzo
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Let Sibel Edmonds Speak

Sibel Edmonds is the most gagged person in US history. The government has repeatedly invoked the State Secrets Privilege in her case - not for reasons of 'national security' but to hide ongoing criminal activity.[definitive]

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"Behind every great fortune there is a great crime." -Balzac Who benefitted most by the New York Massacre? Millions were invested before the attack. Hundreds of millions were made the same day. Neither crime received much attention by t

News Link • Global Reported By Thomas Costanzo
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The FBI man in charge of collecting evidence from the government building destroyed by the Oklahoma bomb has called for the case to be reopened. Former deputy assistant director Danny Coulson has told the BBC programme The Conspiracy Files

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This evidence will be taken to the authorities and the media but in light of how these institutions have ignored, marginalized, and demonized questions about 9/11 in the past; we have chosen to simultaneously release it to the public.