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Police State

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Finally the CopBlock Android app is here!!! Before we put it into the Android market we wanted to release it to get some feedback and see how you — our beta testers — like it. If we receive positive feedback we’ll upload it to the android market next

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Another critic of Quartzsite officials has been jailed in what appears to be retaliation. Local Realtor Doug Gilford has gained notoriety as the blogger and videographer who filmed the unlawful removal of Desert Freedom Press Publisher Jennifer Jones

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The “Quartzsite 8” have been granted a hearing in US District Court at Flagstaff. Judge Aspey will preside. Your presence is invited. Arrive in time for a 1:30pm hearing at 123 N. San Francisco Street, Flagstaff Arizona in a first floor courtroom. T

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(State Peace and Development Council) officially handing over executive power to the president and legislative power to the new assemblies on that day. For those watching the development of Burma's political landscape during those early weeks, it

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Ludwig von Mises Institute

"Your papers!" In old movies, the demand is barked at trembling travelers by a Nazi with a guttural accent. If the demand is made in the opening scene, then the audience knows immediately that they watching a totalitarian state in which travelers are

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The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland is going after the Baltimore Police Department after Christopher Sharp had his cell phone confiscated and all of its contents destroyed after he filmed police use excessive force on a friend of his durin

News Link • Global Reported By Ronald Bogner
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Mall of America officials say that thousands of mall visitors have been stopped and questioned in recent years. The interviews at the mall are part of a counterterrorism initiative that acts as the private eyes and ears of law enforcement authorities

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Russia Today

A woman in the state of New Mexico is asking cops to cover her medical bill after she was ordered by the Metro Narcotics Agency of Las Cruces, NM to undergo a costly cavity search — at her own expense. The woman, whose name is being withheld, was

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NY Times Op Ed

Judge Shira Scheindlin of Federal District Court in New York made the right call when she refused to dismiss a lawsuit against the New York City Police Department, which alleged that officers use race as a basis for stopping and frisking citizens, ra

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The current War on Terror inaugurated in 2001 by Bush II ushered in an era when the US government made torture its official policy as I wrote. It also started a broad fusillade against every basic liberty of every human living within the borders of

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By making it harder to get prepaid cards without subjecting buyers to government scrutiny, regulators and lawmakers hope to make it easier to detect patterns of money movement that could signal something nefarious. But card issuers and some business

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Bill Rounds via

For the past few months, police departments have been using a new iris scanning device to identify people they encounter. Many more police departments will begin using this device soon.

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Free Patriot Press

What does the maker of Les Paul guitars have in common with a food club that sold raw milk & organic coconuts? Not much, except that both have recently been raided by overzealous agents of the state. It seems that concept of “innocent until proven

News Link • Global Reported By Darryl W. Perry