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Washington Post

More than two years after the deadliest crash in Metro’s history, there are no federal standards in place for making the nation’s subways and light rail systems safer. This week, two bills that address safety are expected to go before the House an

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Washington Post

State legislatures around the country are [being bribed to] taking tough steps to make life even more difficult for those who would drink and drive. Key among the new measures are laws requiring the installation of in-car breathalyzers for all motori

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ABC News (video)

Capitalizing on one of the fastest-growing trends in law enforcement, a private California-based company has compiled a database bulging with more than 550 million license-plate records on both innocent and criminal drivers that can be searched by po

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Mahendra Ramsinghani via

The Nissan Leaf is the first all-electric car to try to connect to a mass market. Now Nissan is betting on a U.S. factory that can turn out 150,000 cars a year.

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Thilo Koslowski via

As our cars become networked—to the Internet and to one another—new trends in technology and society will redefine transportation. What's certain: tomorrow's automobiles will provide experiences that go well beyond driving.