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Economy - Economics USA

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MISH: Global Economic Analysis

Private Mortgage Insurance Company MGIC reported a 3rd quarter net loss of $4.60 per share. It expects losses thru 2008. The CEO said the company was "well positioned". Housing permits and completions both plunged again. Things soaring: loa

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shedlock
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Mish Shedlock

States awash in surpluses for the past two years are now treading water. GA, FL, MO, VA, AZ, WA, MD, NV, MI, CA, CT, IL, and SC all have budget issues. There is a recall in Michigan for those voting for tax hikes, and Crist (Fl) and Schwarzenegger CA

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shedlock
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MISH: Global Economic Analysis

If you are in a doomed relationship, it is best to get out of it as quickly as you can. This advice applies not only to personal relationships but also to the stock market. Countrywide CEO Mozilo has perfected the art of bailing. On 6 occasions in Oc

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shedlock
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MISH: Global Economic Analysis

A bailout plan has been cooked up so that Citigroup will not have to mark to market huge losses in $400 billion in SIVs. Citi does not want to put the assets on the books or sell them. The plan allows a group of banks to buy the assets at so called *

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shedlock
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L. Neil Smith for The Libertarian Enterprise

As a libertarian, for example, I knew a collectivized "command and control" economy can't work, in particular, because it can't discover or establish price. Price is the single most important item of information that's necessary

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MISH: Global Economic Analysis

In an effort to bailout commercial paper, the treasury and several large banks have devised a plan that boils down to this: Don't ask-Don't Sell. Don't Ask what an asset is worth. Don't Sell or you will find out and not like the resul

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shedlock
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Mish Shedlock

Barring some kind of miracle, it's time to kiss Levitt and Sons goodbye. And as for Beazer, I don't care what anyone says about things being a "net positive". Beazer cannot survive with 68% cancellation rates. Who would want to orde

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shedlock
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MISH: Global Economic Analysis

Chicago Mayor Daley says there is only 1 choice: raise taxes. And a staggering number of tax hikes and fees have been proposed. In Michigan, applause broke out when taxes were raised. In California, Schwarzenegger postpones the problem by issuing bon

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shedlock
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MISH: Global Economic Analysis

Russia is back in the news lowering interest rates to help regulate liquidity. Liquidity problems are also appearing in Lithuania, Latvia, Romania and Hungary. No one knows when this will matter. Last month proved that. However, the cumulative effe

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Shedlock